Page 90 of Waves of Hope



The next morning when Charlotte awoke, she lay in bed thinking of the day ahead. She’d postponed calling her mother but knew she couldn’t put it off any longer. She checked her bedside clock. 8 AM. Her mother would, no doubt, be sitting in the kitchen with her tea.

She reluctantly got out of bed, and after taking care of her morning rituals, went downstairs for a cup of coffee. She’d need it.

Thankfully, the kitchen was empty when she entered it. She poured herself a cup of coffee and took a seat at the table, telling herself not to be nervous. She and her mother didn’t always get along, but after seeing what Shane went through with his mother, it gave her a different outlook.

She punched in the number and waited.

“Hi, Charlotte. How are you? Enjoying yourself down there?”

“Yes, I am. It’s been a big change for me in many ways. I’m learning about running an inn, and I’m officially dating Shane Ensley, Henry’s son.” Then unable to help herself, she blurted, “I love him so much!”

There was silence, and then her mother said, “Why, Charlotte, I’ve never heard you speak like this before. Of course, I remember Henry.”

“I’m going to meet his father this week when he and his family come to visit.”

“Henry’s a nice man, but his first wife, Shane’s mother, was a mess as I remember. I met Diana only once, but she was very controlling, very needy. Liz and Sam were unhappy about that marriage. Gran told me about some of it. I think it was pretty bad.”

“All of that is true,” said Charlotte. “Granny Liz and I discussed the situation. After meeting her, Diana is saying I’m going to ruin her relationship with Shane, that she knows I don’t like her, and she’s upset about us. She was nasty to Shane. I defended him, but I wasn’t rude to her.”

“Charlotte, listen to me. You might be headstrong and outspoken, but you’re not rude. I’ve brought you up better than that.” Her mother sniffed. “That woman is nothing but trouble.”

“Thanks for saying that. I don’t want anything to come between Shane and me. This is the first time I’ve ever felt this way about a man. He hasn’t asked me to marry him, but if and when he does, I’m going to say yes.”

“Isn’t this rather sudden?” her mother asked.

“Yes and no,” Charlotte replied. “Didn’t you tell me once that you and Dad fell in love in a hurry?”

“But that was different,” said her mother. “And then we had that tragedy …”

“But when you married him, you loved him. Right?” persisted Charlotte.

“Yes, I did,” her mother said. “But, now, I love Walter and have from the first time I met him.”

“That’s how I feel about Shane,” said Charlotte. I can’t wait for you to meet him.”

“Bring him to New York as soon as you can.” Her mother paused. “I’m thrilled for you, Charlotte. Mothers want their children to be happy and loved, and if your growing relationship with Shane is the right one for you, I hope it will all work out.”

Tears stung Charlotte’s eyes. She hadn’t realized how much she wanted her mother’s approval. “Thanks, Mom.”

After Charlotte hung up, she felt like dancing. The worry about Diana’s blame eased, and a surge of love for Shane sent her to her feet.

She was waltzing around the kitchen when Brooke walked in.

“What’s going on?” Brooke asked.

“I just had an important conversation with my mother. She wants to meet Shane. After all the fuss with Jeremy, this makes me so happy.”

Brooke gave her a quick hug. “We’re all happy for you, Charlie. You two are superb together.” She frowned. “Guess I should call my mother today. We’ve agreed not to talk too often, but I think it’s my turn.”

“Give Aunt Jo my best. I’d better get over to the Inn,” said Charlotte. “The soft goods are being delivered today.”


Charlotte felt as giddy as a five-year-old when the delivery truck backed up to the receiving area behind the Inn. She hoped with the new soft goods, and adding and switching around decorative accents, the rooms would look fresh and new. Like the Inn itself, the layout and paint on the walls, baseboards, and ceiling moldings were in satisfactory shape, along with the neutral carpeting in each room. The bright but subtle tropical patterns on the spreads would give the rooms a rich, colorful dimension they needed.