Page 77 of Waves of Hope

As they drove onto the island, Charlotte told herself to relax. It was only one lunch with a woman who was sure to be difficult, but she’d do this for Shane.

Shane pulled into the driveway behind a mammoth, two-story white stucco house with a red tile roof. She got out of the car just as Shane hurried around the car to hold the door for her.

A woman of medium height and with some girth, who had graying dark hair pulled away from her face, stepped outside in a simple black skirt and white blouse. “Shane!” she cried, holding her arms out for him.

He stepped into them and hugged her tight. “Sofia! It’s always wonderful to see you. This is Charlotte Bradford.” He turned to Charlotte. “Make no mistake about it, Sofia Morales runs this household.”

Charlotte shook Sofia’s hand and smiled into the kindness in her eyes. She liked the way Sophia’s lips curved pleasantly in her plump face. She knew that whatever dysfunction Shane had experienced early in his life must have been softened by this woman who obviously cared for him.

“I’ve known this young man since he was ten, and I was hired as Ms. Diana’s social secretary, among other things. Didn’t he turn out well?”

Charlotte saw Shane’s discomfort at the compliment but said, “Yes, he did.”

“Now come inside,” Sofia told him. “Your mother is waiting for you, and you don’t want to keep her waiting.”

Sofia led them into a massive, two-story entrance, through a wide hallway, and into an open entry facing the water. “You’ll be dining out on the patio today. A nice little breeze has come up, making it a pleasant place to be.”

They stepped out onto a covered patio that led to a beautiful, full-length pool. Beyond it, a green lawn sloped down to a dock that sat empty in the water. On either side of the property, large homes had sizeable yachts moored at their docks. The sense of exclusivity was overwhelming.

A tall blonde sat in a chair, her light-blue eyes assessing Charlotte before turning them to her son. “You’re here at last, Shane, after avoiding me for far too long. You know how much I miss seeing you when we don’t meet for a time.” She held out her hand, and he took it.

“It has been a while,” he conceded politely.

She faced Charlotte. “And who do we have here?” Her glance swept over Charlotte with a tinge of disapproval, making Charlotte feel uneasy.

“Mother, I’d like you to meet Charlotte Bradford, a special friend of mine,” said Shane smiling at Charlotte. “This is my mother, Diana Perez.”

“How do you do, Mrs. Perez,” Charlotte said politely, shaking hands with her, finding his mother’s fingers as cold as she appeared to be.

“Sofia, will you please see that Starr is ready with lunch?” said Diana. “You know how I hate making people wait.”

“No worries,” said Shane. “We have some time, though Charlotte and I can’t stay long after lunch. I have a business appointment.”

He helped Charlotte into a chair and sat next to her.

Shane’s mother studied him, her erect posture making her seem even more unapproachable. “Shane, don’t tell me you’re still committed to family law. It’s such a waste. Ricardo made sure you met his lawyer so you’d have a place in his law firm. It’s what we both wanted for you. Someone with your background shouldn’t be doing such menial work with families who can’t even pay you properly.”

Charlotte held in a gasp.

Shane clenched his jaw and then spoke. “I’m committed to my work, Mother. I’m not about to stop doing it because I could make more money elsewhere.”

His mother clucked her tongue. “You’ve made a foolish choice considering the opportunities you have for other work.” She shook her head. “But then, you’ve always been impossible to deal with. Just like your father. If things don’t work out, don’t come crying to me for financial help.”

“I wouldn’t count on you for that or anything else,” said Shane with an unmistakable edge to his voice.

Charlotte glanced at him, wondering how to ease the situation.

Seeing her look of concern, Shane settled back in his chair.

Shane’s mother turned to her. “And what do you do, dear?”

“At the moment, I’m helping my grandmother with The Sanderling Cove Inn and also working for Shane’s non-profit,” said Charlotte, stopping when Shane’s mother stiffened.

“That dreadful cove. So many bad memories there.” Diana closed her eyes and shook her head. When she opened her eyes, she studied Charlotte thoughtfully. “Now that I think of it, I believe I met your mother there one time. A beautiful woman with red hair so like yours. There was a tragedy. A little boy who drowned, I recall. You must be the younger sister.”

“Yes,” said Charlotte numbly as a torrent of old feelings washed over her. She glanced at Shane.

He noticed her distress and turned to his Mother. “What social events are you attending this summer?”