Page 78 of Waves of Hope

“Oh, the usual. I have friends to see on Nantucket, and a trip to France is planned. Anything to get away from this heat and humidity. Ricardo never could understand why I detest it so,” his mother said. She dabbed at her forehead with a lace-edged handkerchief.

“Would you like to go inside?” Shane asked.

“No, I like it here,” his mother responded. “Something about watching the water is so peaceful.”

A young Asian woman wearing a white chef’s jacket and black pants emerged from the house carrying a tray of food. She set it down on a stand next to a round, glass-topped table.

Sophia appeared. “If everyone will come, you will be served.”

Charlotte followed Shane’s mother to the table at the far end of the patio. Shane gave Charlotte’s hand a quick squeeze and then helped to seat his mother.

Hibiscus-pink placemats and napkins, matching the hibiscus flowers floating in a glass bowl in the center of the table were placed at each setting.

“I’m serving a Vietnamese noodle and smoked chicken salad,” said the young chef, looking anxiously at Shane’s mother.

Charlotte studied the noodles, carrots, red chilis, beansprouts, and what looked like mint leaves and felt her mouth water. “This looks delicious. Thank you.”

The chef stood aside, and at a nod from Shane’s mother, she lifted the empty tray and walked away.

Sophia served them iced tea. “Anyone want anything more?” When no answer came, she, too, walked away.

It was silent as they all began to eat, and then Shane’s mother said, “Charlotte, dear, please don’t think ill of me, but I must warn you that Shane has had many girlfriends in the past. I hope you don’t think anything serious would come of this. I would hate to see a beautiful woman like you get hurt.”

Charlotte choked on the sip of iced tea she’d just swallowed.

Shane’s face turned beet-red. He clenched his fists and threw down his napkin. “Why do you do this, Mother? Make any nice moment a mess?”

“I’m just making a fair observation,” his mother protested.

“No, you’re not. You’re punishing me for avoiding you. I know you very well. It’s nothing new. I’ve remembered a lot from my childhood. None of it good.”

Shane’s mother shook a finger at him. “We’re not going back to that, remember? We’re both moving forward. I’m just trying to do something nice for Charlotte. A fair warning.”

Charlotte steadied her breath and turned to Shane’s mother. “There’s no need for a warning. As Shane said, we’re friends. Very special friends who don’t need the judgment of others.”

“Well, I never …”

“No, you never think about anything but yourself and the images you want to portray,” said Shane. “The problem is your true self comes through from time to time. You may blind others, but I see you for the person you are.” He stood. “Let’s go, Charlotte.”

She rose and came to his side.

“For the record, Mother, I tried, I tried to have a pleasant visit with you. But once again, you make it impossible.”

As they started to walk away, Shane’s mother bent her head and began sobbing.

Charlotte pulled Shane to a stop. “Settle this now.”

Shane turned back to his mother. “I’m getting help to resolve some of these issues. But, I don’t know why we can’t have decent conversations, why you can’t be considerate of me and my feelings.”

His mother lifted her face. “You don’t? You’re just like your father. That’s why.”

Shane fingered trails through his blond hair. “But it’s been over between you and Dad for years. Can’t you get past that?”

“Don’t you see? I loved him more than I can ever love anyone else again.” She gazed up at him, her face a mask of pain, made wet by her tears.

“Mom, it’s over. All of it. You said we have to leave it behind and move forward. That’s what I intend to do. Until you agree to get help, I won’t be coming here again.”

His mother’s face lost color and grew slack. “You called me Mom. Maybe that’s a beginning.”

“Perhaps,” said Shane. “Let me know how you’re doing.” He turned, took hold of Charlotte’s hand, and they headed into the house, away from the patio and the horrible woman who was Shane’s mother.

Charlotte studied the lines of pain on Shane’s face and gave his hand a squeeze, deeply saddened by what she’d seen and heard.