Page 88 of Waves of Hope

Livy laughed. “The boat isn’t that big, and well, Eric is pretty hot.” She held up her hand. “But don’t get any wrong ideas. Remember, I’m not interested in dating anyone. No strings. No problems.”

Charlotte and Brooke simply shook their heads.

“What about you, Charlie? What’s going on? Looks like you’re dressed for the cocktail hour,” said Livy.

“I am. Shane and I are going to have a late dinner after the cocktail hour is over.”

“That’ll be nice,” said Brooke.

“While you were gone, Dylan and I took care of the artwork. Amby will need to touch up the walls in places, but it looks much better. We had a nice crowd for breakfast, and with the new arrivals this afternoon, cocktail hour should be busy. One of Beryl’s workers is on board to serve as a waitress as we all discussed earlier. I’ll make sure she knows what to do, show her about clean-up, and then go over to Granny Liz’s house. Shane is grilling fish for dinner.”

“That sounds so ‘homey,’” said Brooke. “I’m happy for you, Charlie. It seems so right for you two to be together.”

“I know it might seem sudden, but it doesn’t feel that way to me. I’m closer to Shane than I’ve ever been to any man. He says he felt something when he saw me our first day together on the beach.”

‘Hmmm,” said Livy. “I do remember how he kept staring at you that day.” She laughed. “I kept staring at him because he’s so handsome.”

“And kind,” said Charlotte, remembering how he’d treated her when she’d broken down.

“Granny Liz is ecstatic,” said Brooke. “I overheard her talking to Dylan’s grandmother.”

“First things first,” said Charlotte. “We’re only dating. It’s not like we’re getting married tomorrow.”

“Bet it’ll happen sooner rather than later. That man knows what he wants,” said Livy. “Anyone seen Austin around?”

“He’s having lunch with a friend, and then he and Dylan are meeting up with some of Dylan’s friends,” Charlotte said and noticed a look of disappointment cross Livy’s face.

“Jake and I are spending tomorrow together in the office,” said Brooke. “As a treat, he’s taking me out tonight.”

“Guess I’ll be the one stuck at home tonight,” said Livy with a sigh.


Cocktail hour at the Inn was a pleasant affair. Guests who’d been there for a few days loved to share their information with others. New arrivals liked to learn about things to do and where the best places to eat and shop were.

Charlotte meandered through the crowd, greeting as many by name as she could. She, too, enjoyed exchanging pleasant conversation. Through the years, Gran had talked about making friends with some of her guests, enticing them to return year after year. Charlotte understood this and delighted in speaking to them, aware her grandmother would be pleased.

Holly Willis, the young waitress offering hors d’oeuvres, seemed to be enjoying the job. At eighteen, she’d worked in restaurants before and knew the terminology for food items and drinks. Though the offerings at the Inn were limited, it helped that she was knowledgeable. In addition, she was a quiet, pleasant presence. As business grew, they’d need more than one helper.


Later, satisfied that the cocktail hour was closed down properly and things were in order, Charlotte headed for Granny Liz’s house. The arrangement of her house was like Gran’s, with a master bedroom on the first floor and four bedrooms upstairs. The interior was decorated more formally with family antiques mixed with more contemporary things. Grandpa Sam had taken over what would’ve been a library for his “man cave.” Charlotte had seen it and knew his cave consisted of a lot of books, a television, a couch, and a big lounge chair. Most days, she suspected, he was in his lounge chair taking an afternoon nap.

Granny Liz greeted her at the front door. “There you are. Let’s have a glass of wine before dinner. You and I can sit on the porch and talk.”

Charlotte smiled, knowing Granny Liz wouldn’t rest until she had more details about the relationship she and Shane had formed.

Granny Liz and Charlotte sat in rocking chairs next to one another on the front porch with a glass of chilled pinot gris. She’d always liked Shane’s grandmother. But, though she knew Granny Liz was happy about Shane and her, she also knew that she wouldn’t get overly involved.

Granny Liz faced her. “Charlotte, I want to talk to you about Shane’s parents. It’s a convenient time with Sam and Shane chatting out back. I understand you’ve met Shane’s mother.”

“Yes,” said Charlotte. “Shane and I went for lunch. She’s not a nice woman.”

“No, she isn’t,” said Granny Liz firmly. “We were appalled when Henry brought Diana home to meet us. I knew right away that it wouldn’t work. She’s one of the most selfish, needy people I’ve ever met. Her background was pretty rough, so some of her self-centeredness is perhaps survival mode from the past. We tried to talk to Henry, but he was smitten and unable to see how easily she manipulated him, changing back and forth from being selfish to declaring her love for him.”

“Shane told me there was a lot of screaming and arguing.”

Granny Liz sighed and shook her head. “Diana and Henry brought out the worst in one another. I shudder to think what happened between them to make my Henry so upset. He was never argumentative as a child. But Diana was never satisfied with what he did for her and would belittle him in front of other people. God knows what she said to him in private. Trying to ‘deal’ with her is like riding a roller coaster.”