Page 13 of Waves of Hope



Livy woke to find herself wrapped in the sheet that had covered her during the night. She glanced at the bedside clock and sat up with a start. Nine o’clock. She never slept this late—or hadn’t in years. Owning a bakery meant rising at 4 AM and preparing fresh offerings for the day. But, once she’d gotten used to the routine, she hadn’t minded those quiet hours with just Julie and her working together, listening to music on their earbuds, swaying to the beat as they mixed and kneaded and iced creations. Sometimes, Livy listened to books on tape. It was another way to spend time.

Julie accused her of being a romantic because of the kind of books she chose, but Livy didn’t mind. She loved happy endings and promises of a life full of love. After all, real life wasn’t usually that satisfying.

Livy climbed out of bed and went to the window. It looked like another perfect day. It would be fun to see so many of the Sanderling Cove kids again at the beach party tonight. Like Gran had said, it had always seemed like one big, happy family.

At the reminder of the cookies she’d promised to make, Livy washed up and went downstairs. Before it got too hot, she’d do her baking.

The kitchen was empty when she walked into it. But the smell of fresh coffee tantalized her nose, and she headed right to the coffee maker. Beside it, she found a note from Charlotte.

“Livy, Brooke is meeting with Jake, and I’m off doing errands for the party tonight. Catch up with you later.”

Happy to have the kitchen to herself, Livy pulled out the equipment she needed. Gran had promised to have plenty of chocolate chips on hand for baking, and Livy found them, flour, sugar, and other ingredients in a cupboard. After pulling out butter and eggs from the refrigerator, Livy got to work. The secret to baking was using real, unsalted butter, not any substitute.

She was taking the last of the cookies from the oven when Charlotte walked into the kitchen carrying shopping bags. “Guess who I ran into in Publix?

Livy set down the pan of cookies. “By the grin you’re wearing, I’m guessing it’s one of the cove kids. Am I right?”

“Bingo! None other than Melissa Worthington herself. She couldn’t wait to show me her enormous engagement ring. Seems she’s going to marry a Texas oilman. According to her, he’s very rich and ready to spoil her.”

“I thought she was spoiled enough,” said Livy. Of all the kids in the cove, Melissa and her sister, Morgan, were the most difficult with their need to flaunt all the material things they had. Their older brother, Kyle, was not that way at all.

“And guess what?” added Charlotte. “Morgan broke off her engagement.”

“I didn’t know she was engaged,” said Livy.

“Apparently, Morgan’s parents weren’t happy with her choice of a boyfriend. Life goes on at Sanderling Cove.”

Livy finished placing the cookies on a cooling rack and turned to Charlotte. “I’m sorry to hear that. Morgan is the nicer of the two of them.” She peeked inside a paper bag. “What did you get?”

“A bunch of sturdy plastic plates, napkins, and plastic silverware for the party. Gran told Granny Liz we’d provide all that stuff, along with some food and your cookies.” Charlotte gave her an impish grin. “It’s going to be an interesting time. Brendan and Adam Atkins are here or coming soon, along with their cousin, Dylan Hendrix. Melissa says they’ve turned into real hunks.”

“How about Grace?” Livy asked. Grace Hendrix and she had always gotten along. She could hardly wait to see her again.

“Grace is coming in this afternoon,” said Charlotte. “That’s as much news as I have.”

“You’re right. It’s going to be a very interesting time,” said Livy.