Page 14 of Waves of Hope



As Charlotte dressed for the party, she told herself to have fun even though she wasn’t going to play Gran’s game. She wasn’t interested in finding romance at this point. She didn’t need to find a man; she needed to find herself.

Charlotte drew a sleeveless aqua top over her head and straightened it above her white jeans. White might seem like the wrong color to wear to a beach party where she’d end up sitting on the sand, but she didn’t care. She glanced at herself in the mirror to make sure she was ready. Tonight, she wore her hair up in an informal bun. People told her she was beautiful, but those words meant little to her. Her mother, a gorgeous woman, was more concerned about being proper, doing things right, her place in high society, none of which interested Charlotte.

She went downstairs to meet up with Livy and Brooke. They’d agreed to make an entrance together, carrying food for the party.

Brooke looked fabulous with her new hairdo, a little bit of makeup on her upturned nose, and what she guessed were new cropped pants and a peach top that enhanced the beginnings of a decent tan. Livy, cute as usual with her halo of strawberry blond curls, was wearing denim cut-offs and a pink top with ruffles at the V-neckline.

“You girls look wonderful,” said Gran, coming into the kitchen. “I’ll see you later. Elizabeth has asked me to help her.”

“You mean help her spy on us?” said Charlotte, arching an eyebrow at her.

Gran laughed. “That too.”

She gave them each a hug. “Have fun.”

After Gran left the house, Brooke said, “I don’t know about the two of you, but I feel about fifteen years old.”

Charlotte laughed with Livy. “We’ve got to find something better for these grandmothers to do. Matchmaking is a dangerous business.”

“Agreed,” said Livy. “I’m anxious to see everyone and catch up, but that’s it. I’m still taking a break before deciding where I want to live.”

Brooke spoke up. “I’d like to meet a decent man, but you two know I’m not ready yet. I have to learn to be more independent from my mother first.”

Charlotte gave her an encouraging smile. “You will. Sooner than you think.”

“Thanks. That’s what I’m hoping.”


When they arrived at Elizabeth Ensley’s house next door, the beach in front was filling up with people. Charlotte and her cousins placed their food offerings on the large table placed on the front lawn. After choosing something to drink from the ice-filled tub of canned drinks, they headed down to the sand.

It took Charlotte a moment to place the faces she saw with the memory of the people she knew when they all were younger. But when Shelby Simon approached, Charlotte joyfully hugged her. Shelby looked the same.Of medium height, she had a sturdy body, blue eyes, and reddish-brown hair.

“How have you been? You look wonderful. When is the baby due?” Charlotte asked her.

“Thanks. The baby, a boy, is due in two months. Just in time for even hotter weather,” said Shelby, caressing her round belly. “Mom and Dad and my grandmother are thrilled, along with me and my husband, Douglas. We’re going to name the baby Joel after my grandfather.”

“Oh, I bet your grandmother loves that,” said Charlotte. Sarah and Joel Simon were lovely people. Joel died a couple of years ago from a heart attack.

“Come, let me introduce you to Doug. I know you couldn’t attend our wedding, but I’d like him to meet you. Your cousins and you were so much fun when we were growing up.”

Charlotte followed Shelby over toa tall, thin, brown-haired man with regular features.Observing them smile at one another, Charlotte felt a pang of envy. She’d told herself she wouldn’t marry until she was good and ready, but, for the first time, she couldn’t help thinking if that should happen sooner rather than later.

She and Doug chatted for a few minutes, and then Shane Ensley joined them.

After Shane and Doug were talking comfortably, Shelby and Charlotte headed over to where Melissa Worthington was standing with her sister, Morgan.The sisters looked alike with their dark hair, shapely bodies, upturned noses, and hazel eyes.

“Hi, Melissa,” said Charlotte.

“Hi, Charlie,” said Melissa. “Shelby, have you seen my engagement ring? I’m sorry my fiancé couldn’t be here, but he sent me ahead, knowing how much it meant to me to meet up with everyone. It’s been years since we’ve all been together. When’s your baby due?”

Shelby grinned. “In August. It’s a boy.”

“My fiancé and I want at least three children,” said Melissa.