On Monday morning, during break, I tell Stephen of my decision.

‘You’re joking, right?’ Stephen says, sitting back from his desk, eyes trained on me for the first time in months.

‘I’m not joking. I am traumatised by the attack. My doctor has prescribed me some time by the sea.’

‘The sea,’ he repeats. ‘As in the Cornish sea.’

I shrug. ‘Might as well kill two birds with one stone.’

‘We’re having our engagement party on the 24th of December, Emmie.’

‘I know – you already told me.’

‘Well, don’t looktoohappy. I mean, it’s only our engagement party.’

‘No, Stephen. I keep telling you, it’s not our engagement party. It’s yet another one of your mother’s fêtes that doesn’t take either of us into consideration. I’m constantly being monitored by her and her lackeys. Have I had highlights put in yet? Have I been to the tanning salon? Have I had my nails done yet, my elbows buffed and for God’s sake, have I had a bikini wax?’

This causes him to snigger.

‘Do you not realise how invading and invasive your mother is? This is my body, my life. None of it has anything to do with her. So, I’m taking a break. From both of you.’

‘But you are coming back for the party, yes?’

I look up into his eyes. ‘Do you actually care that I’m not happy right now, or are you more concerned about your social circle gossiping about you?’

His mouth turns into a grim line. ‘Both. I have obligations, Emmie. I am a headmaster of a prestigious academy. I come from a solid background. My social circle already frown on me marrying a teacher. I can’t afford any more faux pas.’

‘They frown on you for marrying me?’

‘I didn’t say you as in you. In their opinion, a headmaster should aim—’

‘Higher?’ I volunteer, unable to believe my ears.

‘I didn’t say that, Emmie.’

‘Tell me the truth, Stephen. Do you even love me anymore, or have you finally succumbed to your mother’s way of thinking?’

He watches me in silence, then answers: ‘You’re the one who’s been putting up a fuss with everything – the dress, the menu, the church – and now you’re the one leaving. You do the maths, Emmie…’

‘So it’s easy for you just to let go? Soyouwill appear to be the victim?’

‘I’m tired, Emmie. I’ve had a long day and another equally long one ahead of me tomorrow. So I’m going to say goodnight. I’ll speak to you tomorrow.’

‘No, you won’t, because I’m leaving tomorrow. I’ll be back in time for the party. It’s not like I’m needed for the wedding preparations, anyway.’

‘Come on, Emmie, don’t be like that. Tell you what. I’ll come down to Cornwall with you. I can get away this time. Well, for a couple of days at least.’

‘Uhm, no. I think I need to be alone for a bit.’

He laughs nervously. Somewhere between ‘I can’t believe you’re doing this’ and ‘don’t be silly’.

‘What does that mean? Are you still angry with me?’

The truth is that I’m sick and tired of playing games of Stephen Says.

‘I just need some time off.’

‘Off… from me.’