‘Just… off. I hope you’ll understand.’
‘Please tell me you’re not still upset about me not coming to your rescue.’
Among other things.
‘I just need to switch off from everything London right now.’
Silence, then: ‘Right. That’s fine. You can go if that’s what you really need. I’m OK with it.’
‘Gosh, thanks. I didn’t know I needed your permission.’
‘I never said you did.’
‘It certainly didn’t sound like that.’
‘Emmie, you’re tired and not thinking straight.’
‘Yes, well, I’m certainly tired about a lot of things, Stephen.’
He sighs. ‘Emmie, I know I’ve been a bit absent lately and I’m sorry.’
‘It’s fine, Stephen. I have to go now.’
‘Yes, you go, while I wait for you to remember I exist.’
‘No, Stephen. That’s usually my role.’
I huff. ‘Look, I’ll keep in touch.’
‘I hope you know what you’re doing, Emmie.’
‘I’ve got to go, Stephen,’ I repeat.
‘OK, then. I love you, Emmie.’
I close my eyes and swallow. Why can’t I answer in the same way? Of course I love Stephen. I’ve loved him for three years. We’re planning a future together. So why am I feeling so estranged?