Hunter moved farther up Roman’s body so he could cradle his face in his hands. “I know I was pretty out of it the day you took me to see him and Luke but I saw the way Gray looked at you. It wasn’t me who put that worried look on his face.”

Roman closed his eyes. “This is so fucked up,” he muttered. “I was fine with the way things were…I was fucking fine and then it was like he just disappeared off the face of the earth and I was that little kid again.”

“You were scared you’d lost him for good,” Hunter whispered.

Roman nodded and then said, “And when I found him I was so relieved and that just pissed me off even more. Then I saw him…”

“What?” Hunter asked gently.

Roman squeezed his eyes shut as tears slipped from them. “He had fucking cancer.” Roman finally opened his eyes but covered them with his hand. “He looked so bad, Hunter. Like he’d died a thousand deaths. And all I could think was that I was going to lose my big brother. I promised myself when I left that I’d let go of the past - that I’d…”

“Forgive him,” Hunter supplied.

“Yeah. But when he called me after he went into remission, I couldn’t do it. He kept asking me to come visit; he’d leave me these long messages that I couldn’t bring myself to listen to, he sent me texts asking how I was…and I just couldn’t fucking do it.”

Hunter’s heart broke for Roman and he leaned down to brush his lips over Roman’s now damp ones. “Baby, look at me, please.”

Roman sucked in several deep breaths before dropping his arm. The vulnerability in Roman’s eyes nearly killed Hunter. He lifted his thumbs to wipe away the tears that continued to fall.

“Maybe it’s so hard to forgive him because you’re afraid he’ll hurt you again. Maybe the real question isn’t whether or not you can forgive him…maybe you need to ask yourself if you can ever trust him again. Maybe you need to put all the rest of the shit – cancer, your childhood – in a corner somewhere and find out if the man he is today is the one you need him to be.”

Hunter felt Roman’s arms wrap around him and then Roman was sitting up, taking Hunter with him. When he pressed his cheek against Hunter’s chest, Hunter closed his arms around Roman and rested his chin on his head.

“I can’t go back to being that kid anymore, Hunter. I can’t be invisible again.”

“You won’t, Roman. I promise.”


Roman let out a string of curses the second Hunter’s tongue made contact with the head of his dick. When Hunter had tentatively asked him if he could touch him, Roman had managed to keep his desire in check as Hunter’s fingers tested the weight of his balls and then traced every ridge and vein on his cock. But he hadn’t been expecting Hunter’s next move and even as he watched Hunter lower his head, Roman’s brain still hadn’t managed to process what was about to happen.

Since the exquisite caress had stopped the second he’d shouted the few choice curse words, Roman looked down expecting to see a nervous Hunter trying to figure out what he’d done wrong. What he found was a young man who looked like he’d just been handed the keys to the magic kingdom. And it made Roman even fucking harder which he didn’t think was physically possible.

Hunter, still fully dressed, sat back on his heels and slowly peeled off his shirt. But instead of reaching for his pants, his molten gaze swept over Roman’s naked body and then settled once more on his dick which was almost a beet red color. When Hunter’s hand coasted down his own chest and then settled on the bulge behind his jeans, Roman wasn’t surprised to see a bead of pre-cum form at the tip of his cock and hang there. Hunter’s gaze settled on the drop of moisture and then he licked his lips. Roman started to sit up so he could grab Hunter but Hunter scooted farther down the bed and shook his head.

“Uh-huh, remember your promise,” Hunter murmured.

“Fuck,” Roman muttered as he dropped back down on the bed. He hadn’t had any issue with Hunter’s insistence that he be allowed to explore Roman’s body as much as he wanted since it was something Roman had promised him the previous night just before Hunter had fucked him. But of course, when he’d agreed to this whole thing, he’d been expecting the innocent touches of a man still trying to find his confidence when it came to sex. But a couple of insanely intense orgasms had somehow turned Hunter into a dominant, sexy as hell top who appeared to be bent on tormenting Roman.

Roman forced himself to take deep breaths as Hunter’s torture started all over again. He wasn’t sure he could stand another round of Hunter kissing and sucking his way over every inch of Roman’s body – except his raging cock of course – but he figured if he came too soon like some horny teenage boy, then Hunter would just have to get him all worked up again. But no sooner had the thought entered his head when a hot mouth suddenly covered the tip of his cock. And when Hunter’s tongue tentatively licked his slit, Roman couldn’t stop from slamming his hips upward. He instantly felt bad when Hunter started gagging but before he could apologize, Hunter was pushing his hips back down and sucking on him hard. A hand wrapped around his base and began dragging up and down as Hunter’s tongue rimmed the ridge of his crown.

“Jesus fucking Christ!” Roman shouted as he desperately fisted his hands into the bedspread. While Roman knew he should have been feeling all the little things that showed Hunter’s inexperience with giving blowjobs, all he knew was that it felt like the top of his head was going to explode and he was reaching down to try and pull Hunter off of him within less than a minute. But Hunter’s sucking only intensified when Roman grabbed his shoulder and instead of trying to warn Hunter of his impending orgasm, Roman actually tightened his grip on Hunter and began fucking his mouth in earnest. Hunter maintained his hold on Roman’s base to keep him from shoving in as deep as he wanted to go but he made up for it by hollowing out his cheeks. And then his sharp green eyes lifted to meet Roman’s and that was it – Roman came hot and hard and he watched in fascination as Hunter tried to swallow rope after rope of come. But he couldn’t keep up and when lines of white began dripping from his lips, Roman snarled and dragged Hunter up and slammed their mouths together.

He kissed Hunter soundly and then ran his tongue along the skin around Hunter’s mouth and sucked up the remaining fluid. Hunter moaned against his mouth and then took over the kiss. Roman used the distraction to work the button and zipper on Hunter’s jeans free and then he was plunging one hand into Hunter’s underwear. His sharp, twisting tugs had Hunter ripping his mouth free and looking down to see Roman’s hand snaking around in his pants.

“Oh God,” Hunter groaned as he began meeting Roman’s drags with the sliding of his hips. Within minutes Hunter was reaching for the condom and lube that Roman had placed on the nightstand. His moves were jerky and desperate but he was a quick study because he managed to get his jeans pushed down and the condom rolled down his cock in record time. And then, to Roman’s surprise, Hunter was pushing Roman down on his stomach. Slick fingers pressed between his cheeks but before they reached his hole he heard Hunter ask, “Is this okay?”

Roman had no idea if Hunter was asking about the position or him being the one to prep Roman this time around and since the answer was the same for both questions, he roughly said, “Do it.” Hunter didn’t need any more urging because a second later he felt a fingertip brush over his hole while one hand split him open. Roman could tell Hunter was already struggling with his own lust because one finger began breaching him almost instantly.

“Tell me if I’m hurting you,” Hunter grated out as he began sliding his finger in and out.

“More,” Roman said. He had no idea how Hunter had managed to only make him capable of speaking in one and two word statements or how he’d driven Roman to such a desperate level of need again so quickly but he didn’t dwell on it as another finger entered him. Roman had only bottomed on a couple of occasions early on when he’d first explored his sexuality as a teenager so the sensation of being filled was still an oddity. And like last night, the strange, burning sensation quickly gave over to something else that had Roman needing more.

“Hunter,” he whispered, his strangled voice sounding strange even to his own ears. But thankfully, Hunter got the message because he pulled his fingers free and replaced them with his cock. Hunter’s forward motion was more insistent this time around than last night and Roman let out a harsh cry when his hole collapsed under the pressure and Hunter sank all the way inside of him. Since Roman was lying flat on his stomach, his hips flush with the bed, he couldn’t reach his dick to stroke it but when Hunter set an almost punishing pace of fucking right from the get go, Roman didn’t care because the slapping of Hunter’s hips against his ass had him sliding forward hard enough to give him the friction he needed. And then it got fucking better because Hunter’s fingers dug into his hips and yanked him back to meet his thrusts. The rough treatment had Roman breaking out into a sweat as his body quickly overheated and he had to bite into his own arm to keep from shouting out his pleasure. But even with the brutal force of his pounding, Hunter seemed incapable of letting what was happening between them only be about two bodies finding relief because he leaned over Roman’s back and fisted his hand in Roman’s hair to drag him up for a long, needy kiss that was the exact opposite of the pummeling that Roman’s ass was taking.

“It’s just like you said, Roman,” Hunter whispered against his ear. “I can’t tell where I end and you begin.”

Roman groaned at the words and let his eyes slide closed as Hunter’s arm wrapped around his neck from behind so Roman couldn’t drop his head to the bed…so he couldn’t escape Hunter’s searing kiss. Not that he wanted to.