“Okay,” I promise quietly. “I won’t.” I give him a small smile and squeeze his hand gently. “Is it okay if I sleep now? I’m really tired. Can you get the guys to come back?”

“Sleep, Princess.” He kisses my hand. “I’ll sort it out. I’ve got you.”

This time the darkness that engulfs me isn’t so scary.


I slip in and out of consciousness, but I have no idea for how long. Sometimes when I wake it feels like I’ve been asleep for days, other times it feels like my eyes have been closed for minutes. The only constant seems to be that when I wake, one of the guys is by my side, and the other three are close by in the room. Whoever’s by my side is always touching me, and we have a few mumbled conversations before my heavy eyelids droop, and I’m gone again. Occasionally, doctors and nurses are poking and prodding me, but they’re pretty easy to ignore when I have the four worried faces of the princes to focus on instead. I’ve given them quite a scare. I’ve given myself quite a scare. I only hope it was worth it.


When I come round - again - it’s to Jax asleep with his head in my lap. I blink hard in surprise, needing to check my eyesight’s working properly. He’s holding my hand, and there’s no way I can move it without waking him.

The door clicks open gently, and a nurse comes in to take my obs. She looks at Jax and shakes her head. I worry for a second that she might insist on waking him, but she doesn’t. She works quietly and efficiently around him and smiles at me. “You’ve got those boys wrapped around your little finger missy, they resorted to fighting over who would stay with you last night.”

“Why didn’t they all stay?” I whisper.

“Sweetie, they need their rest too. They’ve been here since they brought you in and once you’d woken up and the initial danger had passed, we do try to insist on two visitors at a time. I know you have your own private room so they can all visit, but sleepovers are pushing it a bit.”

I nod because I totally get it, and I don’t want special treatment. But I’m so glad that one of the guys at least did stay with me. I just didn’t expect it to be Jax. I use the opportunity to stare at him while he sleeps. He really is gorgeous. In his sleep, his face is relaxed, and it really suits him. He’s softer, and I’m not used to seeing that side of him.

He blinks, and I’m suddenly staring into his dark espresso eyes.

“Hi,” I whisper as he stares intently at me.

“You should be resting.”

“I am. I’m just laid in bed, not doing anything.”

“Don’t argue with me. You’re not too poorly for me to put you over my knee and spank you, you know.”

“I’m afraid, Mr Jaxon, she is too poorly for that.” The voice that comes from the doorway is accompanied by a white coat, and I blush flame-red in mortification at the implication of what he heard Jax say to me. Nope, I can’t even respond to that one. And Jax? The fucker just laughs.

“I’ll owe you one when you’re home and feeling up to it then.” He winks at me, and I don’t feel so bad anymore. In fact, I suddenly feel like I could go home quite soon. Jax obviously notices how my face brightens because he laughs and shakes his head at me. “Insatiable,” he mutters under his breath, affectionately.

“Miss Deighton,” the doctor begins.

“Please, call me Raven.”

The doctor smiles like he’s relieved I’ve asked him to do this and then continues, “How much do you remember?”

“I remember the party, feeling unwell and a few snippets since then. The guys filled me in pretty well when I woke up.” He nods.

“And when was this?”

“The party? Friday.” He nods again.

“And - humour me here - what date was that?”

“Erm, May 3rd.”

“And when do your exams start?”

“May 13th. Do you need me to tell you the year too?”

“No,” he chuckles, “it’s quite alright.”

“Gee thanks.”