When I come to, I’m expecting the soft sheets and low light of my room, or one of the guys’ rooms at least, but instead, I feel starchy scratchy sheets and blink awake to harsh bright white light. Instantly I know that there’s something wrong and I’m not where I expected to be; I’m in hospital instead. There’s a drip in my right arm and as soon as I notice it my skin feels like it’s on fire and I want to pull the needle out. I reach across to scratch at it with my left hand, and my movement makes the room come alive.

The blonde head in my lap stirs and lifts, Thorn blinking awake and smiling shakily at me. His bright blue eyes look tired, and there are lines in his face that I don’t think are from the blanket he’s been sleeping on. “Hey Princess.” His voice is gruff with sleep and worry, but when I offer him a shaky “hi” back, I discover mine is too.

Our exchange seems to spur the others into motion, and I realise that there’s a sofa to my right under the window of my room, which Jax and Rebel are sat on. Ace is to the left of them in a single armchair. This seems to be the nicest hospital room I’ve ever been in, but they don’t exactly look comfortable. The three of them simultaneously get to their feet and approach me tentatively, asking how I’m feeling.

“Tired. Groggy... What happened?”

They exchange a glance so quickly that I almost miss it.

“Listen, baby.” Rebel steps forward and comes around the bed to my left side, taking my hand. “What do you remember?”

“I was at the party with you guys, having a good time. I was drinking coke, Tilly... banged into me, we danced, and then I didn’t feel so good...oh no, did I get sick?” I trail off.

“Shush, it’s okay, no one minds. What day was that darling?”

“Friday. Yesterday.”

“Friday yes. But it’s Sunday evening now,” he tells me this gently like he’s afraid I’m going to freak out.

“Oh.” I blink; processing. “What happened?”

“You were drugged. A date rape drug we think.” I gulp and swallow, but this isn’t news to me, “But something went wrong. The doctors think you had an allergic reaction to whatever it was you were given.”

I nod my head slowly, trying to let that information sink in. I really did put my life in their hands then. That wasn’t part of my plan. What went wrong?

“The police are going to want to talk to you, but we won’t let them anywhere near you until you’re rested.”

“Thank you,” I whisper, starting to shake and shiver. I’m not acting; I’m shit scared. I’ve lost two days, and by the looks on the guys’ faces, I nearly died. I don’t want to talk to the police. Not now, not ever.

“Princess, baby, tell me please if you remember anything else.” His voice is pleading, heartbroken. My heart twists.

I close my eyes and relive the moments before it all went black.

“Tilly,” I whisper. “She hit me and...called me something. I think there was blood? She hates me, but I don’t think she’d do this. Although...” I trail off, unsure.

“Although what, little bird?”

“The girls said... everyone knows...” I swallow and continue like I’m scared to get her in trouble. “She sells drugs. She stores them in her desk somewhere. But I think it’s just coke. Do we know what I was given?”

“We don’t, not yet darling, but the doctors are running tests to find out.”

Jax storms from the room looking enraged and after a pointed look from Rebel, Thorn and Ace follow him.

“Where are they going?” I ask.

“To sort this out.”

“Oh. How?”

“I don’t know Princess, don’t worry about it.”

“Why did you stay?”

“Baby, we aren’t going to leave you alone. Ever.”

“But why did you stay?”

“Because I’m so angry right now, I’d kill anyone who I think even looked at you wrong. Princess, I’ve been out of my mind with worry. You scared us - me - so bad. Don’t do it again.”