Lizzie’s Journal

March 2nd

So you’re probably wondering what happened after those dates Charl? Well, I went on more dates. A lot of them. Individually, each of the guys were great. The problem is that they were too great and I was struggling to choose. I loved how sweet and funny each guy was, and how well they treated me, so each time they asked if they could see me again, I found myself saying yes.

Then I’d feel guilty and tell myself after this next date I would choose. Because that’s what I would have to do, right? Eventually choose one to be a boyfriend. I can just imagine you reading this Charlie and saying, “Fuck it! Have them all!” But whoever heard of such a thing?!

If you were here, I’m sure we could discuss the merits of each guy. You’d probably tell me to write a pros and cons list for each - but please don’t think me too soppy when I say there really aren’t any cons for any of them! Ha, I just read that back, and it sounds sappy even for me, so I can only imagine how you’d react!

Whatever. Anyway, I’m really excited because tonight I’m FINALLY going to see Rebel’s band play at a bar in town. I’m obviously worried about not getting in (ha! I should have borrowed your fake ID!) because that would be so embarrassing. But Rebel keeps telling me not to worry. I hope they’re good. I think they will be, but I don’t know what to expect.

Wish me luck!