Chapter Fifteen

The door bursts open and a voice shouts, “What the fuck?!”

It’s way too early to deal with this. I bury down under the duvet and leave this one to Ace.

“Kaj za vraga?!” he mumbles, sitting up all dazed and confused. We were enjoying a nice sleepy cuddle, which may have led to more before we were so rudely interrupted. “Križana gora! Sranje! Out! Away!”

I’m vaguely aware from my fortified spot under the blankets of Ace scrabbling for something, and then I hear a thud and someone cries, “Ow! Fuck!” It makes me smile; I’m pretty sure he just threw something at the intruder, and it met its mark. “Tristo hudicev! Tristo kosmatih medvedov! Out, zaboga, out!” I have no idea what he’s saying, but it sounds pretty ferocious. I wouldn’t want to be whoever’s on the receiving end of that mouthful. I didn’t expect Ace to have it in him; he’s usually so calm and unshakeable. I kind of like it.

“Whoa dude, chill out, it’s just us.” Ah, now that I’ve woken up a bit I realise he’s yelling at Rebel. I’d recognise his gravelly growl anywhere. Even better. I hope whatever he threw at him really hurt. “I was popping in to say we’re home early and we were going to head out and grab breakfast if you...if you both, I guess... wanted to join us.”

“Ne. No.”

“Hey come on, don’t be grumpy. If anyone should be mad, it should be me. I mean seriously, we leave you alone for two days, and you’re in bed with my girl?”

“Your girl?” I stick my head out of the covers indignantly. “I am not your girl Rebel, fuck you. I’m not anyone’s girl.”

“You are mine Raven, you just don’t know it yet.” He smirks and winks at me, making me wish I had something close at hand to launch at him. A missile would be good.

“You didn’t even ask me out! You took me on a date because I lost a bet. You haven’t asked me to be your...your anything! I can do whatever I like with whomever I like. Now get the fuck out!”

He crosses his arms and plants his feet in a defiant challenge. I don’t know what it is about him that rubs me the wrong way. If Ace was driving me crazy yesterday for all the right reasons, Rebel has taken over today for all the wrong reasons.

“Fine. Stay and watch you pervert. Aljaž, I’m ready for round two.” I can’t help myself, winding Rebel up is like the worst kind of addiction. The kind that feels good, but you know is terrible for you because it makes you crazy. The kind that causes you to make all kinds of bad decisions, but still gives you a high that leaves you wanting more.

I reach for Ace and pull him to me, kissing him deeply. I’m not entirely using him to piss Rebel off - I was in the mood for more this morning - but now my anger at Rebel needs an outlet otherwise I’ll be in a foul mood all day. Luckily for me, Ace is a nice supportive guy and from the feel of it, more than happy and ready to oblige my request.

We break apart, and I give him a wicked grin before bringing him back for more. Over his shoulder, I can see Rebel still standing there watching us. His jaw is slack, and he looks completely flabbergasted. I need a way to get him to leave right now.

I reach up and pull the covers from Ace’s back, siding them all the way down so that his firm ass is exposed. Rebel gives a disgusted strangled choking kind of sound, and a moment later I hear the door slam shut. I quickly check he’s left, and not closed the door because he’s joining in, and once I see that he has, I turn back to giving Ace my full attention.


Sometime later, when we’ve finished, showered together and got distracted, showered alone a second time and finally got dressed, we head downstairs together to find Jax, Thorn and Rebel sitting in the kitchen. Rebel scowls at me as we enter and I throw an imitation of his shit-eating grin back at him. I don’t quite pull it off as well as he does, but when his scowl deepens, I feel good.

“Hey guys, happy Christmas Eve! What do you think of the decorations?”

“Looks amazing. Did you two do all this?” Thorn’s the only one to answer me. He’s the only one who looks happy. Rebel’s still scowling - sulking - and Jax is staring intently between Ace and I. That makes me uneasy because his dark espresso eyes always seem to see everything and know too much.

“No. I just did the tree, everything else was Ace. Doesn’t it look amazing? He stayed up all night to get it done.”

“Impressive. Dude, it looks awesome.” Thorn walks over to Ace and thumps him on the back in one of those bro hugs that isn’t a hug. He leaves him and continues on toward me, a hot chocolate in hand, which makes my eyes light up. “We might have to make this a regular thing. I’m telling you, after two nights at home I couldn’t get out of there fast enough! I’m never going back for Christmas again. Thank god my family isn’t religious, they don’t give a fuck if they see me at Easter.” I watch him carefully and see lines of stress around his eyes. The last couple of days haven’t been fun for him, and they’ve taken their toll. I feel bad for him and vow to try and make him feel better today. He deserves a nice welcome home to know that he’s missed.

When he gets to me, I eagerly hold out my hands for my drink, but at the last minute, Thorn teasingly whips it away and takes a drink himself. “Thorn...” I whine and pout. “I missed you so much!” I’ll say anything to get my hands on that drink, and he knows it.

“Brat.” The term of endearment is like a honeyed caress from his lips, and I smile. “I think I should start charging you for these drinks. They’re not cheap to make you know.”

“Name your price.” I shrug. “You know I’ll pay it.”

His ocean eyes sparkle at me, mischievously. It excites me. I’ve absolutely loved having Ace to myself the last couple of days, but nothing beats the electric flow of having all four of them around at once.

“I think I’ll charge you one kiss per drink,” he says as if he’s been pondering what the price of his drink will be all along.

“Done!” Before he can protest, I plant a noisy wet kiss on his cheek and slip the drink from his hands. I dance out of his way so that he can’t take it from me again and once I’m on the other side of the room, I take a long deep drink. I don’t even care that the prolonged low groan that falls from my lips sounds like a sex noise - the drink is that good.

“Hey! That’s not a proper kiss.”

“Sorry, no refunds, exchanges or do-overs.” I tsk-tsk him and wag my finger playfully. “You need to be more careful with your Ts and Cs Thor. Let this be a lesson learnt. Check out for the fine print.” I wink at him.