“You okay Princess?” Rebel breaks me out of my thoughts, and I spy him watching me closely.

“I’m fine.” I shake my head to clear it. “Are we going to start studying then?”

“Tomorrow. We have four days before the exams start. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of time.” Rebel winks at me.

“What do you fancy for tea?” Thorn asks.

“I’ll cook,” Ace offers.

“She wants takeaway,” Jax tells them. “Right, princess?”

“Please. Takeaway, a film, and maybe cuddles on the sofa?”

“Your wish is our command.” Rebel smirks.

We get out of the hot tub a while later and get showered. I change into my PJs - Jax’s sweats - and snuggle on the sofa with the takeaway menu.

“What you having Princess?” Rebel asks me.

“I can’t choose. I don’t know what I want.” I sigh.

“Do you want us to just order a selection and we can have a picnic?”

“Yeah, that’s perfect,” I reply, brightening. “Can you choose the film too? I just want to switch off and not think.”

“Of course, baby girl. Consider it done.”

True to his word, Rebel takes care of everything that night. He orders a selection of Thai dishes and I end up loving all of them. Jax makes me more mojitos and laughs when I tell him I prefer the virgin version. We all sit together on the reclining sofas and watch a couple of films that are just easy to switch off through. I get my cuddles with each of them, but I thought there might be...more. To my surprise though, none of them makes a move. They’re perfect gentleman - much to my disgust. I think Jax must have warned them off on account of me being just out of hospital, but to be honest I would’ve welcomed the distraction. I was missing all of them. Craving their touches, kisses, attention. It was the longest I’d gone without since we started dating. I wasn’t happy about it. But as the evening wore on and I was fighting back yawn after yawn, I had to concede that Jax may have had the right idea in getting the guys to back off and let me rest.

Still, that didn’t stop me grabbing Rebel for a passionate kiss when he carried me up to bed. I’m tired, not dead. And some opportunities are just too good to pass up. Rebel’s lips always being one of them.


“Guys?” I yell up the stairs on Sunday evening. “I’m going for a run.” I feel like I’ve been cooped up too long. Don’t get me wrong, the last four days have been amazing, cocooned in our little bubble where the outside world can’t get in, but I feel it’s time to rejoin the real world. We’ve spent the last few days chilling and relaxing in the hot tub, revising for the exams and studying hard. None of the guys have touched me, though. The most I’ve managed to get from any of them is a cuddle and a kiss on the top of my head. It’s driving me crazy, so hopefully a run will help me...let off some steam. Tomorrow the exams begin, and I have to go back to school, back to classes, back to normal... I’m not ready. I figure that a run now might help prepare me for tomorrow.

When none of the guys protest or offer to come with me, I slip my running trainers on and head out of the door. It’s late evening, yet light out thanks to the balmy summer evening, but I still grabbed a jacket because the woods are much cooler with their leafy shade. After a couple of minutes stretching and warming up, I’m ready to go. I set off at a moderate pace, feeling stiff and out of touch. Damn, I need to train more. I can’t remember the last time I went for a run, let alone had a good sparring session or practised my knife-throwing skills. I need to focus and work harder. Academic exams aren’t all I have to focus on.

I’m pretty deep into the woods when I hear raised voices. Although it’s strange because other students don’t usually come to this part of campus, I don’t think much of it until I realise I know those voices. Curious, I slow to a walk so that I can catch my breath and listen to see who it is.

“What the fuck are you playing at you fucking bitch?” Whoa. That’s Jax’s voice, somehow sounding even angrier than that day in his stepmother’s office. Who is he talking to?

“Oh, calm down.” Shit, that’s Tilly. Why are they in the woods? Together? “Nothing fucking happened.”

“She could’ve died you, stupid bitch!”

“But she didn’t.” There is no remorse whatsoever in her voice.

“You drugged her. With a cocktail of date rape drugs. What the fuck, Tilly?”

“You know how I operate. You’ve seen my work. This wasn’t my first rodeo.” Is she admitting to drugging others before me? Did Jax know? She’s making it sound that way, but I know she can be manipulative as fuck. Shit. What to believe?

“You make me sick,” Jax spits, and I can hear the absolute loathing that he has for her in every word.

“Not what you used to say.” Her voice has taken on a low seductive quality. Gag. “Darkness speaks to Darkness. You should know.” She laughs, and the sound turns my stomach.

“I’m done with this conversation. With you. I’m warning you Tilly: I’ll fucking kill you if you go near her again.”

I hear footsteps, and a moment too late I realise they’re coming towards me. The sight of Jax storming out of the trees coming towards me jolts me into action. That’s when I turn on my heels and run. I hear Jax swear and call my name, but I’m off before he can catch up to me.