I don’t stop running until I’m locked away safely in my room. My heart’s pounding, but I don’t think it’s from the exertion of getting back to the house. I can’t even begin to process what I’ve just overheard between Jax and Tilly. I feel sick.

I jump into the shower, and once I’m done, I settle onto my bed to do some last-minute revision. I have no idea how many hours I’m at it before there’s a soft knock at my door and Thorn enters.

“You okay?” he asks after gazing at me for a moment. A wrinkle creases his brow as he frowns at me in concern. I nod in response to his question and invite him in. He moves over to sit by me on the bed, and I shove my revision stuff out of the way to make room for him.

“What happened?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you stormed in here like a whirlwind hours ago and have been shut up in here ever since. Jax got back moments after you and has been like a bear with a sore head ever since. Did you two fight?”

“What? No!” I exclaim. Then I shake my head and force my voice back to normal. “Nothing like that. Ask him. I’m trying to study.”

“Doesn’t look like it’s going so well for you.” Thorn smirks, gesturing at my closed books.

“Idiot.” I elbow him. “I closed these when you came in.”

“Sure you did.”

“I am having trouble concentrating though,” I admit. I yawn and stretch. “What time is it anyway?”

“After eleven.”

“Shit!” My eyes fly open wide, and my jaw hangs in disbelief. “I am so screwed.”


“I have my chemistry exam in the morning, and I don’t feel ready. It’s late, I need to sleep, and I feel about as tired as an insomniac.”

“Wouldn’t an insomniac feel really tired on account of not ever sleeping?”

“You know what I mean.” I scowl at him. “Stop being pedantic. I have as much chance of getting to sleep as an insomniac does.”


“Stop!” Suddenly a massive noisy yawn escapes me, and Thorn laughs.

“Oh yeah, some insomniac you are,” he teases. “Go get ready for bed.”

I don’t bother to explain that yes I’m tired, exhausted actually, but somehow too wired to sleep. My mind’s churning, thoughts of Tilly and Jax buzzing alongside chemical equations and formulae. It’ll only lead to more questions. So I slip away from Thorn and head into the bathroom to get ready for bed like he suggests.

When I’m done, and I come out of the bathroom I notice several things almost at once. Thorn has closed the curtains and turned off the lights, leaving only a soft bedside lamp on. He’s also cleared and turned down the bed. And got in it. The covers are pulled up to his waist, so I don’t know if he’s fully naked, but he’s undoubtedly topless. I lick my lips like a perv at the deliciousness of him, then ask him what the hell he thinks he’s doing.

“Relax, Princess. C’mere and get into bed. I’m going to help you sleep. Well, I’m going to help you...relax, then sleep,” he amends with a wicked wink. I don’t think he has sleep on his mind at all. Mind you, neither do I anymore.

As I climb up onto the bed and crawl over Thorn to get to my side, he smirks at me.


“You’re not wearing sweats.”

“Too hot,” I tell him, self consciously pulling the long white tank top further down my thighs. There’s probably an indecent amount of thigh showing.

“I like it.” He gives me a dirty grin, staring at my side and that’s when I realise there’s also an indecent amount of side boob showing too. I smack his arm and tell him off for being a perv, but he doesn’t apologise, just laughs harder.

Once I’m in bed though he rolls onto his side to face me and languorously begins to stroke up and down my exposed ribs. His fingers lightly brush the side of my breast and all my nerve endings tingle and stand to attention. My hips jerk involuntarily, and Thorn grins at me. “Relax, Princess.”

“Tickles,” I tell him breathlessly. And it does, but we both know I’m at least partially lying. My nipples harden and poke against my top, clearly visible for us both to see.