I went to the party, I wore my sparkly converse and that little white dress - you know the one that has long sleeves? When I got there, it was really busy, but I couldn’t see the girls from my maths class who invited me. I bumped into the guy I was tutoring though. He offered to get me a drink, and I felt a bit naff asking for water, but he didn’t judge me. We spent some time chatting, and it was really, really nice. I found out he plays guitar and sings. I love his deep growly voice so I’d love to hear him sing sometime. I told him that - would you class that as flirting? - and he said I could watch him sometime!

Things were going great until one of the princesses saw him and me laughing - it was the redhead - I think her name’s Amber? - but then she disappeared. She came back with Tilly, the blonde leader, as well as the other girls and they all stood in a corner watching us and whispering. I tried not to let it bother me, but I just kind of knew that something was going to happen.

I was right. Within five minutes, Tilly ‘accidentally’ bumped into me and spilt her drink all down me. Every last drop. And for some reason, she just happened to be drinking a bright red slushie. Seriously, drinking an ice slushie at a party in October? Coincidence? I think not. I looked like I’d been at a massacre.

So there I was Charlie-Bear, freezing cold and dripping wet, in a ruined dress and beyond embarrassed. I was too embarrassed to speak to him, so I turned and ran while the girls just laughed cruelly. It actually felt like the whole room was laughing at me, but that might only have been in my head.

So there you have it. Nothing really. It might even have been an accident. Maybe. At worst, it was a silly prank. And anyway, it backfired on them because a cute guy asked if I was okay on my way out, gave me his jacket and walked me back to my dorm room. So it wasn’t all bad. He was really cute. His name’s Michael, and he asked me out on a date!

Not a bad night, all in all, I’d say!

Sorry you couldn’t come up for a visit last week. I hope you’re better soon. I worry about you. Are you training too hard again? I hope you’re eating properly. I know you miss me too. But look on the bright side, it’ll be Christmas before you know it and I get to come home! For two whole weeks! You’ll be sick of me by the end of it.

I can’t wait!!!

Just got to survive these exams first.

I love you. Be good.

Your Busy Lizzie x