Chapter Nine

The next day was Halloween, and I had plans. Lizzie and I always used to have a marathon movie night while stuffing our faces with candy, and I was going to do that tonight with the guys. Everyone else is going to a party off-campus. On a school night? Crazy! The party’s at some girl’s house near the school whose parents are always away. Apparently, most of the parties happen at her place because it‘s within walking distance, she has a pool, and her older brother will supply the alcohol and drugs for everyone. Needless to say, I’m glad that I’ll be missing out in favour of scary movies and four strong pairs of arms to hold on to when I get scared.

I don’t actually scare easily. I love scary movies. I find them funnier than comedies. Not that I plan to tell the guys that. I can pretend in the hopes of getting a hug or two out of them. Actually, I wonder if I can find a way to scare Rebel. I bet he’s a screamer. Mind you, remembering how Thorn freaked out when I cut his hair makes me wonder if he might be an easier target. I’m feeling good.

During the school day, I got called to the headmistress’ office to discuss what had happened the day before in Chemistry. As I predicted, I was in no way blamed for the ‘unfortunate accident’ that occurred, and Headmistress Archer just wanted to check that I was alright. I got the distinct impression that she wouldn’t be checking up with my other classmates to see how they were. More perks of being a Deighton, I guess. I’m alright about it. I’m not going to apologise or feel remorse. The only thing I’m a little sad about is that the damage wasn’t more severe or permanent. You can’t win them all, but maybe I can win the next one.

After school, when everyone was getting dressed up in their - ahem, ‘sexy’ - Halloween costumes, I was pulling on Jax’s sweats, hoodie and tank top, planning on making my way through the woods to the boys’ house in my trainers. No way was I dressing up to lounge around and watch movies.

I’m just heading down the stairs towards the front door when I bump into Michael. I don’t really want to talk to him right now, so I try to sidestep him and rush off, but he reaches out and grabs my wrist. “Ouch, let go, Michael.” I pull free from his grip, almost falling down a step, and shoot him a dirty look.

“Sorry, Rae! I forget my own strength sometimes,” he chuckles. “Besides, I can’t image a badass ninja like yourself would be hurt by me.” I rub my wrist while he speaks because it did hurt. I think he’ll leave a bruise. Totally uncalled for.

“Sorry Michael, I have to go.” I turn away and go to leave.

“Rae wait!” I stop and turn back to look at him. There’s a kind of manic look in his eyes. “How are you? I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages. Did you have a good half-term? I’m sorry you were stuck here on your own. Did you find a way to keep yourself occupied?” I feel like he’s fishing for information, rather than just being friendly. He’s been in the dining hall the last few days so he must have noticed me sitting with the guys. Is he fishing to find out how I met them?

“Sorry Michael, I can’t catch up now, I really do have to go. Maybe we can get together at the weekend?” His face instantly brightens, and I feel the need to add, “To work on the English project.” He agrees, and we set a time on Saturday after breakfast. I study his face carefully, but it doesn’t change when I add that. Huh, maybe I’m misreading things.

I say my goodbyes and continue down the stairs. I’m just at the bottom when he calls, “Wait! Where are you going? Surely you’re not going to the party dressed like that?” I really don’t like his tone now, he’s definitely prying.

“Not going to the party, Michael. My family doesn't have a very good track record with them, remember?” I can’t resist throwing that little dig at him, knowing that he knows what happened to Lizzie on Halloween.

With that, I walk out the door and let it close behind me. Once I’m outside away from him, I feel like I can breathe more easily. I don’t know what it is about him that makes me feel so uncomfortable. I’m usually a pretty good judge of character, but Lizzie adored the guy, and she was sensible and smart. She said he was one of the good guys, so I’ll have to take her word for it, even if my gut says otherwise.

After a short jog through the woods, I’m standing on the guys’ porch and ringing the bell. Thorn opens the door with a flourish and...holy shit. He’s dressed up! And he looks good. Better than good. He’s fucking smoking. I may be biased because he’s dressed as my all-time favourite movie crush, Thor, but he can totally pull the look off. Even the geeky cape. He’s also foregone the body armour in favour of being topless. In a cape. My mouth goes dry while other areas go wet, and I stand there literally speechless. He grins at me, clearly noticing my reaction, and moves aside so that I can enter. I head right into the lounge area and spy Ace and Jax topless and lounging on the reclining sofa.

“And what are you guys dressed as?” I ask. Simultaneously they turn to me and grin, flashing sharp and freakishly real looking fangs. Okay, it’s not my usual style, but they look sexy as hell dressed as half-naked vampires. They definitely have the dark and brooding look to go with it. Is it me, or is it seriously hot in here?

“Awww guys, I didn’t know we were dressing...up?” Or down, it would seem in their case. “I feel...underdressed.” Or would that be overdressed? I’m so confused.

“I’ll undress you.” Thorn’s sexy voice comes from behind me, low in my ear and I shudder. I can’t think of a witty comeback at all, so I just stand there like a deer in headlights and say nothing.

“Oh no Princess, this won’t do at all!” Rebel enters the room and scowls at me in disgust.

“What the hell are you supposed to be?” He’s wearing jeans, a leather jacket and sunglasses. That’s it. He looks ridiculously hot. “You look ridiculous,” I tell him.

“I’m a rebel.”

I burst out laughing at the outlandishness of his costume interpretation. “What kind of rebel? A ‘Grease’ reject? You could have at least gone creative and dressed as the Rebel Alliance in Star Wars.”

“You know Star Wars?”

“Please, I was raised on Star Wars every weekend,” I scoff. It’s true too. Our mum would work nights, and Lizzie and I would stay up late with dad and watch the movies. We’d have the surround sound so loud that the windows would rattle and the chairs would shake.

He falls to the floor in an elaborate pantomime, clutching his chest dramatically. “Marry me?”

“Can’t. I’m busy that day.”

“Doing what?”

“Marrying Ace.” I stick my tongue out at him, and he growls while the others laugh. “Anyway. No one told me we were dressing... I have no idea if you’ve dressed up or down I went for comfort.”

“At least wear this Princess,” Rebel comes over to me and places a tiara on my head. I love it. Oh god, when did I turn into such a girly girl? Although… am I? I’m spending Halloween dressed in sweats and planning to eat my body weight in pizza and Cheetos. Pretty sure that the actual princesses of the school wouldn’t be seen dead doing that...ever.

“Awww thanks, guys, I feel like a real Princess. Although, if I was going to fit in with you guys, I’d be wearing the tiara and not a lot else. NOT going to happen!” I yell at Rebel before he can say anything. “Let’s get these movies started.” We quickly scramble to get set up. Rebel gets the snacks, Ace grabs the pop, Jax sets up the first film, and Thorn closes the curtains. I quickly light a ton of candles and turn off the lights. It’s kind of romantic. Well… until the movie begins.

I sit in the centre of the sofa with my legs up on Ace’s lap, but I keep the chair upright because Rebel and Thorn are sat on the floor leaning back against it for support.