He tentatively prods around my ankle, gently rolling the joint this way and that. I wonder if he knows what he’s doing.

“You need some heat on this.” Huh. I guess not then.

I smirk at him. “Some doctor you are Doctor Jax, everyone knows that you need ice for swelling.”

“Wrong, Patient Deighton,” the way he says my name has my body flaming up again. Is he flirting? Oh god, I hope not, not with my stinky foot in his hand! Except a part of me hopes that he is.

“You need heat for muscle pain and joint stiffness, which is what you have. The swelling is a side effect, not the problem.”

“So what do you suggest I do? Hold cooked food on it or keep a hairdryer on it?”

He smirks at my sassy response. “Neither. I prescribe a session in the hot tub - purely for medicinal reasons, of course.”

“Of course,” I smirk back. “And where can I get a hot tub?”

“Luckily, I happen to keep one here in my garden for emergencies such as these.” He slides his arms under me the same way that Ace did and lifts me. I try to protest, but he shushes me. He actually shushes me like a small child! “You’re not to put any weight on this ankle for the rest of the day. Doctor’s orders.”

To be honest, I don’t really mind being pressed against another firm, sculpted chest as he carries me through the house and out of the french style patio doors into the garden. I’m a little concerned about getting home later if I take his advice, but then I figure he’s taking the doctor game a bit far, and I’ll be fine by then.

Jax walks us over to the hot tub and sits me on the edge. The thing’s massive, easily big enough for twelve people, and has full body loungers built-in. Heaven. Jax’s hands go to the edge of my shirt, and he lifts it up over my head. My arms shoot up automatically to help - or maybe stop - him, but he bats them away and continues to remove my top slowly. Once I’m sat before him in my sports bra, his fingers run down my arms to the waistband of my leggings. His fingers lightly tease my stomach, and I struggle to sit still. It tickles, but it feels good too. Damn good. He starts to tug down my leggings, and I use my arms to lift my ass up so that he can pull them off. I’m just in my bra and panties now, and his espresso gaze is roaming every inch of my skin, scorching me wherever it goes. Our gazes meet, and I feel like time stops. My heart’s in my chest, thundering under his intense stare. I think he’s going to kiss me. I want him to, I really do.

Abruptly he turns and runs a hand over his jaw. The moment’s broken, and he looks pissed. Shit, what did I do wrong? Suddenly, I feel self-conscious. I wrap my arms around my stomach and try to make myself small. I can’t believe I’m half-naked in front of the guy and I can’t even walk away.

Jax scoops me up and gently deposits me into the water. He leans over and kisses my forehead in a tender gesture and tells me he’ll be right back. “Relax,” he instructs as he heads back inside. I’m determined not to sit and stress about why he didn’t kiss me, so I lie back and close my eyes. The warm water is magic and I instantly feel myself liquefy. It feels so good. Already my ankle feels better, but I also feel months of tension slowly seeping out of my body.

The sound of someone climbing into the hot tub brings me back, and I open my eyes, expecting to see Jax, but am greeted by Rebel’s crotch right in my face. It’s so close I could lick it if I wanted to. But I don’t. Obviously. I don’t want to, I mean. Although I don’t lick it either. Ugh. You know what I mean. Anyway, I know it belongs to Rebel because that guy’s literally tattooed everywhere. Not there. But everywhere else. So even though his crotch mostly fills my vision (yes he’s apparently built and stacked everywhere!), I can make out ink in my peripheral vision. What I don’t understand is why he’s climbing into the hot tub completely naked, or why he’s waving his cock around in my face.

“What the fuck Rebel?” I reach out to push him away but end up touching him there. Oh god, I need to die of embarrassment right now. “Get your crotch out of my face!”

“You’re literally the first girl to ever say that to me,” he laughs. “Where would you like it instead?”

“Ideally? Removed, pickled, and stuffed in a jar to make a nightlight for my bedside table... but I’ll settle for on the other side of the tub.” I shoo him away with a splash. He roars like I’ve just said the funniest thing, but moves to give me some space.

When he sits on the other side of the tub, massive arms stretched wide and head back, enjoying the warmth, I take a moment to study him. All of the guys are hot in their own different ways. And I’m definitely attracted to all of them. But Rebel’s something else. He’s so much more. He truly looks like a man already. I love his sexy stubble on his cut jaw. From across the hot tub, I still can’t make out his tattoos. I can tell they’re all black, and a swirling mass of intertwined designs, but I’m too far away. It’s frustrating, but I’m looking forward to getting to examine them up close.

Jax comes out with two bottles of pop for us and raises an eyebrow when he sees I already have company. He doesn’t say anything though, sliding into the water. He takes my feet and places them in his lap and begins to massage both of my ankles. His hands are so skilled I can’t help but groan at his touch.

“Shit man, that’s cheating,” Rebel gripes. “No using your magic massage on a chick, the rest of us won’t stand a chance.”

I stick my tongue out at Rebel and tell him he doesn’t stand a chance anyway, then beg Jax to continue. With a smirk at Rebel, he obliges me, and I slip back into blissful relaxation.

We sit in silence enjoying the bubbles, and after a while, Ace and Thorn join us. The tub’s so big I could stay stretched out on the lounger, but Thorn plops himself down right by me, so I feel obligated to sit up. Boo. Jax keeps hold of my feet, though, which makes me happy. I wriggle my toes and flash him a smile to thank him, but I accidentally fondle his crotch. Oh, dear god. At least he’s got shorts on.

The boys start to chat about their plans for the week, inviting me to hang out and go to various places with them.

“Raven, can I take you out tomorrow?” Rebel asks.

I smile sweetly. “Can’t. I’m washing my hair. Sorry.”

“Tuesday then.”

“Painting my nails. No can do.” I shrug. I don’t know what it is, but I love winding this guy up. Thorn clears his throat.

“Actually Raven, I thought you and I might go out on Tuesday. Alone.”

“I’d love to!” I beam at him, and Rebel scowls.

“No fair. A bet’s a bet. You owe me.”