“Fine.” I sigh. “You can take me out tomorrow. And Thorn can have me on Tuesday.” I didn’t quite mean it to sound like that, but I refuse to blush. “Any other takers while we’re at it?” I joke.

“Me. Next day. Do over.” Ace insists. I smile and tell him, “Sure thing.”

“Well, I don’t want to be the odd one out. I guess I’ll take you out Thursday then.”

“Jeez, guys, I was joking. What will people think?”

“Who cares?” Jax says. “Besides, it’s half term. We’re more or less the only ones left on campus right now.”

“Right, well I’m starting to look like a prune, so I’m getting out. Can I have a shower and borrow some clothes, please?”

Jax jumps up and climbs out of the hot tub, grabbing a towel. He lifts me out and wraps me in it, then carries me inside. I’m pretty sure I should be mortified right now, but it’s just too hot for me to care. I’m being carried like a damsel in distress, against the defined chest of a seriously hot guy while three more look on with...is that jealousy that I see in their eyes?

Better make it a cold shower.

Jax carries me through the house, up the stairs and through his bedroom (well I’m assuming it’s his) to the en suite. He sits me on the side while he turns on the shower and warms it up for me. “Clean towels are there.” He points. “Shout me when you’re out. I’ll go and find you some clothes, okay?” I nod, and he turns to go, leaving the door open a crack. I think it’s so he can keep an eye on me, and not in a pervy way.

I quickly strip out of my wet things and hop into the shower. I’m careful not to get my hair or face wet. It feels incredible, a different kind of heat and sensation to the hot tub, and I quickly pinch some of Jax’s shower gel. It’s a very masculine smokey cedar and sandalwood scent that I adore. Done, I shut off the shower, grab a fresh towel and call to Jax. I’ve barely got the words out when he sweeps in and scoops me up again, and I wonder if maybe he was watching me.

He takes me into his room and sits me on his large comfy bed. “Do you need help dressing?” There’s a pile of sweats next to me on the grey blanket. I tell him no, and he goes to wait outside while I dress, again leaving the door open a crack.

I quickly dry off and take a moment to survey Jax’s room. It’s very masculine, in shades of navy and grey, but it’s tidy and clean and smells lovely. His bed - a giant four-poster in carved dark wood - is so comfy I’m tempted to fall back and sleep the rest of the day away. I don’t though; instead, I pull on Jax’s white tank top and grey sweats. They’re too big, but probably the closest fit out of all the guys. The tank top’s loose and somewhat see-through, cut so low on the arms that I’m showing a generous amount of side boob. Luckily, Jax left me out a grey hoodie, and the sweats have a drawstring I can pull tight. I unbraid my hair and run my fingers through it before calling out that I’m done.

He comes in, and his gaze sweeps over me. All of a sudden, I’m on fire again. He cocks his head to one side, surveying me. “Do you know,” he begins, “I’m not sure if you look seriously hot right now because you’d look good in anything, or if it’s because you’re wearing my clothes and smelling like my shower gel.”

I apologise for the shower gel. “Don’t be sorry. It’s sexy as hell. I can’t wait to get you downstairs in front of the others. It feels like I’ve staked my claim on you.” His words make me blush and squirm uncomfortably. I need to get a grip because I’m not wearing any panties and I don’t want to mess up his sweats. Jax blatantly stares at my chest, so I hastily zip the hoodie up. “Cold?” He smirks, and I agree, but I know he’s not buying it.

He carries me downstairs and deposits me on the sofa between Thorn and Rebel, making sure my feet are up in Thorn’s lap. There’s a selection of bagels and muffins on the table and Jax passes me one.

“Oh, I love muffins! Thanks.” I dig in, starving, despite it only being about 10 o’clock. It’s been a long morning. Mostly good though, ankle aside.

“That’s not a muffin,” Rebel gripes. Oh, here we go. He’s an American, so we have to go through the whole ‘what is a muffin’ debate.

“This is a muffin.”

“A muffin is a giant cupcake.” He points to my breakfast, “THAT is not a muffin.”

“It’s a breakfast muffin.”

“That’s a giant cupcake with oats in it and breakfast flavours. You know, like blueberry or banana.”

“Fine. This is an ENGLISH breakfast muffin, and I love it.”

“Meh. I’ll stick to bagels.”

“You have no idea what you’re missing! Oh well, more for me then.” I sigh happily and tuck in to another muffin. It's delicious, filled with sausage and egg. I wonder who the chef is? It couldn't have been Jax, he was by my side the whole time.

We while away the day eating tapas and later pizza, playing games and watching movies. Rebel smiles at me and chooses to watch 21 and 22 Jump Street, which I love. We make our way through about half of the Fast and Furious franchise too (Ace’s choice), and Thorn opts for a Rom-com I’ve never seen before. It’s funny and lighthearted and just what I needed to break the tension of the hot tub and shower embarrassments.

Day gives way to evening, then night, and the guys try to persuade me to stay the night, but I refuse. That would be too weird. And I’m not that kind of girl even if I did know them better. Jax offers to drive me back to my room, and because my ankle still hurts, I let him. I say a quick goodbye to the other guys, giving each of them a hug and a peck on the cheek because it just feels right. Then head out to the Jeep with Jax supporting me so that I’m walking but not putting weight on my foot. I much prefer it to being carried, to be honest.

The car ride back to the school is short, and I know that I could easily have walked it any other time. Jax insists on walking me up to my room, and because there’re so few people around, I let him. The ride up to the top floor in the lift is silent.

When we get to my door, I expect there to be an awkwardness between us, but Jax doesn’t allow time for that. He takes my key from my hand and helps me inside. Jax leaves me standing in the doorway while he goes over to the bed and turns on the lamp. He heads straight over to my fridge and grabs a bottle of water which he places on my bedside table. He moves around the room with ease, like he’s been here before, and that makes me a little uncomfortable.

“I’m going to tuck you in so that you don’t have to put any weight on your foot. Do you need to use the bathroom?” I nod and allow him to help me in there. I quickly wash my face, brush my teeth, use the loo and wash my hands. I limp back into the bedroom, and Jax immediately meets me at the door and helps me the rest of the way. I try to tell him that I need to change into my PJs, but he shushes me.

“Sleep in my clothes. They’re comfy, and I like the thought of you sleeping in my things. How many pillows do you sleep with?”