I moaned within the blanket of darkness as he pounded me from behind with long, fulfilling strokes. I reached back for him, gripping awkwardly at his jacket, his hair, anything to keep a grasp on reality and not give into the overwhelming wave of pleasure that wished to steal me away.

Bodies of unaware elves flooded around us, outlines blurred as though looking through a murky window. They laughed and spoke highly of the ceremony. Some had Faenir’s name lurking upon their lips; I could not hear what they said over my own moaning and Faenir’s hefty panting.

I almost broke away when Myrinn moved into the hall, deep in conversation with Haldor who looked utterly displeased. I would have lingered on their hushed words and ruined the mood if Faenir had not pulled himself free of me, turned me to face him, and lifted me from the ground until my back was pressed to the wall and my legs were wrapped around his waist.

“Focus on me,” he demanded. “Not them.Me.”

“Faen—” His cock found its way into me in this new position and my words turned to an exhaled breath. My head clashed upon the stone wall with a thud as I lost myself to the way his cock stretched and filled me. Gone was my concern for Haldor. Of anything.

There was only us, lost, far away from prying eyes.

“You are so beautiful,” Faenir said as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

I wrapped my arms around him, fingers tangling in waves of dark hair. “I forbid you to stop.”

“Oh,” he groaned, pounding harder each time he pulled his cock free of me. “Arlo, you feel incredible. Tight and welcoming, I would slay a thousand stars to never forget this.”

My skin felt sticky beneath my jacket and tunic. I was aware that my hair was plastered across my forehead as I exerted myself with little effort. I, like Faenir, would have wished for this to continue.

It was when our lips met, and our tongues joined in with the dance we were entrapped in that I felt Faenir rush to his finish. As he slowed, burying his face in my neck in a string of moans as he came, I felt satisfied without the need to pleasure myself. My legs gripped him tighter, my fingers pulling on the strands of his dark hair until he peeled free of my skin.

“Do you feel satisfied now?” I asked, noticing how my voice echoed within the cloaking of his shadows.

Faenir pinched his eyes closed and smiled until every line and crease of his usual mask faded away. Pulling himself free from me, Faenir lowered me back to my feet and placed a feather soft kiss upon my forehead. “For now. But I cannot promise I will not steal you away again from the rest of the Joining. I starve for you in ways I never knew possible.”

“You are a demon,” I said through narrowed eyes. Faenir surveyed me as I pulled up my trousers and buttoned them back up at the waist. “But I admit that even I wish to stay hidden with you. Give me a good reason not to leave like you wished instead of facing the day again.”

As the joy of his sex faded and the sounds of the bustling crowds around us peaked through the shadows, I was reminded of what waited. Claria. Haldor. Everything here and far beyond Neveserin.

Faenir took my face in his hands; they felt damp, but I did not care. His touch alone was soothing from the haunting reality that crept back into the front of my mind.

“Believe me, my darling, I wish nothing more than to take you back to Haxton and keep you all to myself. Do not tempt me for I am a weak man and will do it for you.”

Remembering Myrinn’s story from last night helped me hold my chin high. “No. We face them all together. Myrinn wishes for the people of this realm to see you through eyes no longer glazed with fear. We do not leave until they see you as I do.”

Faenir released my face and stood tall. The shadows around us crept inward like smoke dispersing after a candle had been blown out. Soon enough the crowd beyond audibly gasped at our sudden reappearance. I watched as some stumbled back, while others looked at the way our hands held one another and did not retreat with the fear I would have expected.

I was helping themseeFaenir compared to what his grandmother had made them believe he was.

“Great ceremony,” I said softly, forcing a smile at the huddle of elves closest to us. “We do apologise for our sudden… interruption, don’t we, Faenir?” I gripped his arm and held him close.

It took a moment for him to force a response as he worked out what I was doing. “Yes. Splendid Joining indeed.” He focused on me, and the world faded away once again. “I believe we should get a drink to celebrate dear Frila’s special day. I cannot speak on your behalf, darling, but I have built up a rather desperate thirst…”

He winked and I melted.

Faenir gripped my hand and walked through the crowds with focus and poise. Until now I had seen him as he presented himself, different and unwanted in a crowd. But the way he guided me through the cramped hallways of the grand castle made it seem as though he owned it. He was its King and he practically oozed with confidence that only deserved a crown.

Doors were opened for him without the need to ask. People stepped out of the way, not from fear of his touch, but from respect, respect simply earned from his aura.

“We must find Myrinn before she begins to form stories that we have stolen one another and left the city. I would not want to offend our host and I admit, I am beginning to enjoy Myrinn’s company. Just do not tell her.”

I smiled at his comment, admiring Faenir from his side as we entered a room overwhelmed with the sweet kiss of roses which bloomed across vines that wrapped around pillars of white, carved stone.

“And by the looks of it she is not pleased. Whatever are we going to tell her?”

I locked eyes with Myrinn as Faenir nodded in her direction. She turned from her conversation and beamed at us both, sweeping her arms in greeting, and Faenir’s concern fell away.

Before I could call for her, a figure stepped in our line of sight. Someone familiar shouted her name in a tone filled with condemnation. I locked eyes with the person to see the human, Samantha.At first there was nothing strange about her presence despite Haldor not being by her side. She strangled the stem of a lipstick-stained wine glass which seemed to shake slightly.