“Are you lost?” Faenir asked with amusement lightening his voice.

She did not reply.Samantha looked around with wide eyes and trembling lips. A frown turned her beautiful face into a grimace that looked odd upon such a beautiful face.

I pulled my hand free from Faenir and stepped towards her. Her blue eyes seemed darker than they had before, the pink coating of her lips smudged from the wine glass.“Something is wrong…”

Samantha thrashed out before I had the chance to do anything. I was frozen in shock as the glass she carried was lifted skyward. She smashed it into her skull. Glass shattered and wine splashed, staining her hair red.

Someone shouted her name again; it was Haldor, pushing through the swelling crowd behind her. But before he could reach her, Samantha lunged, face pulled into a silent scream, with the jagged remains of her glass outstretched for me.


I was detached from reality.Distracted. Still, as Arlo and I glided on a cloud of pure divinity, I recognised the tight welcoming embrace across my cock which lay resting within the confines of my trousers. The memory of his touch was haunting. It invaded my mind from the night prior until now as we walked into the swell of people who had no sense of what we had done in the shadows.

Arlo’s sex made me drunk. Focusing on anything but keeping that feral part of me under control was almost impossible. It was why I had become slow, why I did not act with haste as the human attacked. My body was here, but my mind elsewhere.

Everything happened quickly.

Arlo fell with the human girl, whose name I could not recall. His hand was torn from my own as her weight stole him from me. The room burned with the terrified screams of elves. Many ran, others stayed and watched as the two bodies tussled upon the floor like bickering children. But fighting children usually didn’t lead to smashed glass or blood, deep scarlet that stained my vision.

I snapped, breaking free of my thoughts and throwing myself towards them.

“Faenir,” Myrinn cried out. She was somewhere at my side. I cared little to check. “They are watching.”

The very air before me thickened with moisture. My nose crashed into the wall that had not been there moments before, encasing me in a cage.I slammed my fists against Myrinn’s damp power. It did not shatter, yet that did not deter me; not for a moment did I give up.My heart thundered within my chest, and I felt as though it would rupture through my bones, my flesh.

Beyond my watery prison Myrinn threw her hands out towards the scene. Liquid from the glasses upon tables and in hands lifted and gathered within the air. Like the wall before me, she crafted something new, a spike of glistening, sharpened ice that hung suspended;within a blink it shot towards Samantha.

Light exploded. Heat flared. I did not flinch as the warmth collided with Myrinn’s wall of power. Water hissed as fire kissed across it. Haldor had met his sister’s attack with a wave of his own magic. The spear melted upon impact, leaving a puddle of boiling liquid upon the floor.

“Enough!” Called a voice. Grandmother.

I continued pounding my fists, recognising the roar within my ears as my own which erupted from my open mouth.

“Free me!” I shouted. “Myrinn, I swear…”

Haldor ran towards Arlo, his face pinched in honest and terrifying disbelief. Myrinn didn’t have the chance to attack again as Haldor tore his Claim from atop Arlo and threw her across the room. Her head cracked into a pillar with a resounding clap.

Beneath my fury, the sound pleased me.

My anger quickly turned to desperation as I was trapped, unable to do anything but watch. All the while I begged to hear Arlo, to know that he was okay. I fixated on the glow of life that haloed his outline and waited for it to dull with death. To my relief, his aura burned strong, brighter than I imagined stars would be if they were plucked from the sky and held carefully on one’s palm.

Myrinn withdrew her power, and I could have fallen to my knees as the wall around me dissipated. Never had I felt so weak before. This time, no one stopped me from running towards Arlo as he lay immobilised on the ground amongst the smatterings of glass. And blood.


“Darling.” My voice cracked as I knelt beside him.

Arlo’s eyes were wide with horror, his skin as pale as snow. He shook violently, his hands reaching towards his chest.It took little searching to find what had caused the reaction.Above his heart, clothes glittering with glass, was the spreading puddle of red; it seeped through the dark material of his ruined jacket, staining his white tunic beneath to a wet scarlet.

“Arlo.” Myrinn threw herself to his side and reached out for him. Before her fingers could come near enough to touch, I broke into more pieces than the glass upon him.

“Do. Not. Touch. Him.” Each word came out harsher than the one before. “GET AWAY FROM HIM.”

The room darkened.

I could not think straight as the one thing I had held so dear began slipping through my fingers like sand. Arlo was hurt. How much so I did not yet know. And my mind dared to torture me with the idea of losing him. It was all that occupied my thoughts.

“I wish to help,” Myrinn pleaded, trying again to reach out.