Page 86 of Crossing the Line

“I can walk,” I tell him as I drop my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

“Looks like it,” he says with a chuckle, his lips pressing against my temple. “I like having you in my arms anyway.”

“I like it too,” I mutter, my eyes still closed. I must have fallen asleep as the next thing I know, Sawyer is laying me on his bed.

“Go to sleep, baby,” he says as I open my eyes. I pull off my top and bra and wriggle out of my jean shorts, tossing everything on the floor. As tired as I am, there’s no way I’ll be able to sleep unless they’re off. With only my panties on, I lie down and smile when Sawyer groans. The bed dips, his arms go around me, and I press my body into his, knowing I’m exactly where I belong, safe and wrapped in his arms.

Sawyer makes love to me twice when we wake up, and I want nothing more than to stay in bed with him all day, but I know I’m putting off the inevitable. Sawyer knows it too.

“Do you want to pick up some clothes and things from your apartment today? I need to grab my things too. Maybe we could bring your car back?”

“Yeah. I guess I’ve got to face it sometime,” I say sadly.

“I’ll be right there with you, sweetheart.”

“Thank you,” I whisper, brushing my lips against his.

An hour later and we’re pulling up outside my apartment building. It’s only been a few days since we were last here, but so much has happened, that it feels much longer. Climbing off the bike, I stare at the building. Nerves swirl in my stomach, and I wring my hands. I don’t want to go inside, but I have to. My parents had cleaned up as much as they could, but they weren’t sure where all my things went, and I knew the apartment would be a mess. What I was struggling with was knowing Matt had been in there and through all of my things. It was hard to breathe thinking of him invading my private space, a space where I’d felt safe.

Sawyer slips his arms around my waist, and I lean against him, trying to bring my erratic breathing under control.

“I’ve got you, Hallie,” he whispers. “Breathe, baby.” I close my eyes and drop my head back on his chest. Taking in a deep breath, I turn in his arms.

“Let’s get this over with.” Leaning down, he brushes his lips with mine before taking my hand and leading me into the apartment building. “At least the press has given up camping outside,” I say as we ride the elevator.

“I’m expecting the news of Bryant’s capture to hit the stations by the end of the day. That, and Poppy being found. They might be back.”

“Thank God I won’t be here.” The doors to the elevator open, and taking Sawyer’s hand, we slowly make our way to my apartment. “Here goes,” I say as I put the key in the lock and push the door open. I’m surprised to find the kitchen and living room are tidy.

“It looks like it always did,” I say in relief. “It must have taken my parents hours to tidy up.” My voice breaks, and my hand goes over my mouth.

“They love you, Hallie. They wouldn’t want you coming back to how it was left.”

I nod and pull myself together. “Let’s get our stuff and get out of here.”

I make my way down the hallway and gingerly push open the door to my bedroom. Other than a pile of clothes lying on my bed that wasn’t there when I left, my room looks like it always has.

“Do you see anything missing?” Sawyer asks from behind me. Looking around, I shake my head. My iPod is on my dresser, along with my flat-screen television. I don’t wear a lot of jewelry, and only have some cheap costume pieces. None of those seem to be missing, either.

“It looks like everything is here.”

“That’s great. I’ll grab my stuff and be right back.” He kisses my head before leaving me alone in my room. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I sort through all my outfits. It seems like all the items of clothing I own are on there. Matt must have emptied every drawer as well as my closet. I hope I can wash what I take to Sawyer’s place. I don’t want to wear anything that creep has touched.

Throwing what clothes I need to bring with me into a bag, I grab my hairdryer and makeup, looking around for what else I want to take.

“Are you looking for BOB to bring with you?” Sawyer asks from the doorway, his bag and pillow in his hand. He wriggles his eyebrows at me, and I roll my eyes. Picking up a cushion off my bed, I toss it at him, hitting him square in the face. He laughs. “I’ll take that as a no!”

Crossing the room, I stand in front of him. “It’s already packed,” I lie, gesturing to my bag. His eyes light up, and now it’s my turn to laugh. “I’m joking, Sawyer.”

His face drops, and he pouts. “Tease! I’ll wait for you in the living room.” He’s laughing when he leaves, so I know he’s joking, but I reach under the bed anyway, pulling out the box with my vibrator and slip it into my bag. Nervous excitement swirls in my stomach at the thought of using it in front of him, but I push it down for now and continue packing.

Needing toiletries, I pad along the hallway to the bathroom. Flicking on the light, I gasp as I see a note on the mirror written in what looks like lipstick. Fear builds in my stomach, and my breathing accelerates as I read what’s written.

I’m coming for you, Hallie, and no one will be able to stop me.

See you soon.

“Sawyer,” I yell. “Sawyer, there’s something in the bathroom.”