Page 85 of Crossing the Line

“I’ve already met them,” I remind her.

“Not as my boyfriend.” I wriggle my eyebrows at him, and he laughs.

“I like hearing you call me that.” He slips his arm around my waist and pulls me against him. “What do you think your parents would say if I kissed you right now?” His eyes drop to my lips, and my breathing hitches.

“I don’t care,” I mumble, and he chuckles.

“I think we’d better at least say hello before I start making out with you on their driveway, baby.”

“Tease,” I tell him, slapping his chest. “Come on, then. Time to face the music.”

Turning around, my parents are grinning at us, and it seems they’ve already worked out something is going on. “Mom, Dad, you remember Sawyer? Sawyer, my parents, Brett and Aubrey.”

After answering what seems like a million questions, I think my dad feels like he’s grilled Sawyer enough, and we head inside to the living room.

“Saying thank you doesn’t seem enough after what you’ve done for Hallie,” my mom says to Sawyer, her voice breaking. My dad wraps his arm around her and pulls her into him.

“She’s quickly become the most important person in my life, Mrs. Anderson. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her.” He reaches for my hand, lacing his fingers with mine. My mom’s eyes drop to our joined hands, and she smiles.

“I can see how happy you both are. It’s all her dad and I have ever wanted for her.” Tears track down her face, and I go to hug her.

“Happy tears, I hope, Mom,” I say with a chuckle.

“You’ll stay for dinner, won’t you, Sawyer?” she asks, wiping her eyes.

“I’d love to.”

After we’ve eaten dinner, I can’t stop yawning. It’s been a long day, and I’m more than ready to crawl into bed. I’ve no idea if I’m staying here tonight or at Sawyer’s place. He hasn’t mentioned it, and I don’t want to ask. Wherever I stay tonight, I’ve no spare clothes, and I’m going to have to face my apartment tomorrow if only to get some necessities. I can’t think about that now, though. I simply don’t have the energy.

“Do you want me to make up the spare room, Hallie?” my mom asks. “Or are you staying with Sawyer?”

I bite my bottom lip as I look from my mom to Sawyer. “Umm…”

“I’ll give you two a minute to figure it out. Brett, could you help me in the kitchen?” she says to my dad.

“I’d love nothing more, sweetheart,” he says, sticking his tongue out at me as he puts his newspaper down and follows her into the kitchen.

Suddenly nervous, my fingers play with the edge of the cushion I’ve placed on my lap, my eyes fixed on my hands.

“Why are you nervous?” Sawyer asks, a trace of humor in his voice.

“What? I’m not nervous.” My eyes stay on my hands, not daring to look at him.

“Really?” He takes the cushion off my lap and pulls me onto his knee, my legs straddling his. “You’re not nervous?”

“Well, now I’m nervous. What if my parents walk in?” My arms reach around his neck, and I lean my head down, kissing him.

“I think we both know they aren’t going to walk in.” Pulling his head back, he waits until I finally make eye contact.

“Where do you want to sleep tonight, Hallie?” he asks, his fingers making circles on my back. “If you want to stay with your parents, I totally understand. But you should know, I want you with me.”

“I want to stay with you,” I tell him. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to. You hadn’t said anything, and I didn’t want to assume…”

“Hallie, I’ll always want you with me. I told you that at the cabin. Don’t ever be afraid to tell me what you want. Okay?”

“Okay,” I whisper.

Twenty minutes later, we’ve said goodbye to my parents and are on our way to Sawyer’s place. As he pulls into the underground parking garage, I can barely keep my eyes open. Sawyer must see I’m about to fall asleep, and he scoops me up in his arms.