“She’s coming up here with the girls. There are about ten of them, I think. They’ve got some pampering shit organized or something,” he replies, drinking down what’s left of his prosecco. He reaches under his lounger and grabs a bottle of Bud. “You sure you don’t want one?” he asks, gesturing to the bottle in his hand.
“I’m good,” I tell him, glancing out to the water where Brooke and Hallie are deep in conversation. My stomach drops as I realize we can’t stay at the cabin. If Brooke’s having friends over, too many people will know where we are. Hallie’s name and photograph have been splashed all over the news. There’s no way people wouldn’t recognize her, and I can’t ask my sister to cancel her bachelorette party. I need to think of somewhere else we can go if this shit isn’t over by then.
I drag my hand through my hair and sigh.
“You look worried. What’s wrong?” Liam asks.
“We can’t be here if Brooke is having her friends over. It’s too dangerous,” I explain.
“Fuck. Do you think you will still need to be here then?” Liam asks, suddenly grasping the implications of us being here with a load of Brooke’s friends.
“I hope not, but it’s a possibility, yeah. I’ll find somewhere else to take her. I can’t have that many people knowing where we are.”
“What about your place?” I look over at him and shake my head.
“The guy after Hallie knows where I live. We can’t go there. I’ll think of something, even if it’s a safe house.”
“Will it be harder to protect her now that you’re together? I couldn’t imagine some psycho coming after Brooke. I’d want to kill the guy.”
“Believe me, I want to kill the bastard for what he’s done to her.” I sit up and look out to the water, checking on Hallie. “I’ve never fallen for a client before. It’s not something my boss will be too happy about. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect her, though. There’s no way that asshole is getting anywhere near her.”
Liam slaps me on the back. “I couldn’t do your job, man.” I can’t bring myself to respond to him as I’m not sure Iwantto do it anymore. The longer I spend with Hallie, the more I question my career. I would do anything to keep her safe, but when this is all over and Logan hands me my next assignment, the idea of leaving Hallie for God knows how long makes me feel ill.
After the girls finish their swim, we head back to the cabin for lunch. My parents join us back at the lake after we’ve all eaten, and the afternoon is spent sunbathing, swimming, and having fun. Seeing Hallie so relaxed with my family is gratifying. She was nervous about meeting them when they showed up unannounced, but she didn’t need to be. My whole family loves her like I knew they would.
Seeing that neither my mom nor my sister is monopolizing Hallie, I jump up from my lounger and head over to her. She has her back to the beach and is looking out over the water. I slide my hands around her waist and pull her back into my chest. She stiffens in my arms for a few seconds before recognizing it’s me. Her body sags against mine, and she drops her head back.
“Hey, beautiful. I missed you,” I mutter against the soft skin of her neck.
She chuckles and turns around in my arms. “You missed me? I’ve been right here all afternoon.” She loops her arms around my neck, a wide smile on her face.
“You haven’t been righthere,” I tell her as I pull her even closer to me. “My mom and sister have monopolized you all afternoon.”
She laughs and shakes her head. “Well, you get me all night,” she whispers, and my mouth instantly goes dry.
“Do I now? Where has my innocent Hallie gone?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. She giggles and drops her head on my chest.
“It’s you. You make me crazy.” She lifts her head, and I capture her lips with mine. I’m about to deepen the kiss when she pulls away. “Sawyer, your parents,” she mutters.
“What about them?”
“They’re right there.” She’s avoiding looking at me, and I stay silent until she looks up.
“Hallie, I’ve told you before, I don’t care who sees me kissing you. I’m not going to not kiss you because my parents are here, and when this is over and we’re with your parents, I’ll be kissing you then too.” Her eyes widen, and I chuckle. “You better get used to it, baby.”
I dip my head and take her lips again. This time she doesn’t pull away. Her hands are in my hair, her tongue pushing into my mouth. As her moans vibrate my lips, I run my hands over the bare skin of her back.
I pull out of the kiss before I get carried away and watch as she catches her breath, her eyes sparkling.
“Did you know Brooke is having her bachelorette party here at the cabin next weekend?” she asks me.
“I didn’t until Liam told me earlier today.”
“She invited me. I’ve never been to a bachelorette party.”
Excitement dazzles in her eyes, and it breaks my heart knowing I have to tell her she can’t go. “Do you think we’ll still be here next weekend?”
I sigh and take a step back from her before running my hand through my hair. “I don’t know, sweetheart. If Bryant is caught, then we’ll be able to go home.” I pause and take her hands in mine. “Hallie, if he hasn’t been caught, we can’t stay at the cabin if Brooke is having her bachelorette party here. Too many people will know where you are. It wouldn’t be safe.” Her face falls, and I want to take it back and tell her she can go, but I can’t.