Page 65 of Crossing the Line

She smiles, and her mouth goes to my ear. “I love you too,” she whispers.

Closing my eyes, I squeeze her tightly, my heart pounding in my chest. I can barely believe she feels the same way. Despite holding her close, she shivers when I swim to the jetty with her in my arms.

“Let’s get out and warm up,” I tell her as she pulls herself out of the water and onto the jetty. Following her, I grab the cover-up I tossed aside earlier and reach for her hand. I’m smiling like an idiot as we walk back toward where Brooke and Liam are each on a lounger, but I can’t help myself after what Hallie and I just shared. Glancing across, Hallie’s smiling as widely as I am. I snake my arm around her waist and pull her into my side, brushing my lips against her cheek.

“Where have you two been?” Brooke asks over her sunglasses, a smile playing on her lips.

“For a swim,” I reply, my fingers squeezing Hallie’s hip. Brooke smiles knowingly and pushes her glasses back up her nose. She looks between us before turning to Liam.

“Babe, will you run back to the house and grab the prosecco and some glasses? Looks like we’re celebrating.”

Liam’s brows are furrowed in confusion, and I can’t help but laugh. “What are we celebrating?” he asks, looking from Hallie to me then back to Brooke.

“Love, Liam. We’re celebrating love,” Brooke tells him.

He still looks confused, but he’s been with my sister long enough not to question her crazy. Hallie wraps her arm around my waist, and I press her closer into my side.

“If you say so, sweetheart,” Liam says, standing from his lounger.

“Don’t forget the glasses,” Brooke reminds him. “There are plastic ones in the pantry.”

He begins to make his way toward the house when I shout to him, “Just three glasses, Liam. I’m working.”

He raises his hand in acknowledgment, and I turn to Hallie, who frowns.

“I hate that we have all this shit hanging over us,” she says sadly.

I turn and cup her face in my hands. “We’re not thinking about any of that. Not today.”

“I’m always thinking about it,” she whispers, a single tear tracking down her cheek. I wipe her tear with my thumb. I wish I could tell her something good to make it go away, but I can’t. All I can do is hold her and wipe her tears. She closes her eyes, and when she opens them, she gives me a small smile.

“You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m not going to think abouthimtoday.”

“Don’t apologize. You never need to say sorry.”

“Hey, Sawyer! Can I borrow Hallie?” Brooke calls from her lounger.

“I think I can share her for a few minutes,” I reply with a smile.

My sister rolls her eyes at me before gesturing for Hallie to sit on the lounger next to her. Laughing, I take the one next to Liam and leave the girls to talk.

Reaching into the bag I brought with me from the cabin, I feel for my phone, my hand brushing past my gun as I search for it. Despite having a day by the lake, I can’t let my guard down for a single second. I’m still Hallie’s CPO. She has no idea I have my gun with me, and I’ve no intention of her finding out. I know how much she hates it. Finding my phone, I check for messages, relieved when I haven’t got any. Whenever I speak to Logan lately, it seems to be bad news.

“Hey, man. I brought you a soda,” Liam says as he passes me, his arms full of glasses, prosecco, and Bud.

“Thanks, Liam.” I reach over to his lounger, where he’s dropped all he was carrying, scooping up my soda. Brooke grabs the prosecco and quickly pours three glasses, passing one to Liam and one to Hallie.

“To being in love,” Brooke exclaims as she holds her glass in the air. My eyes find Hallie, and I wink at her. She smiles back and holds up her glass.

“To being in love,” Hallie repeats Brooke’s words, and Liam raises his glass.

The girls continue with their conversation, and I’m guessing with how animated Brooke is, they are talking weddings. Brooke’s been planning her wedding since she was about five, and from what Mom’s told me, it’s going to be an elaborate affair. She always wanted the big white wedding, and she’s finally getting her dream. I’m happy for her. I’m happy for both of them.

“We’re going for a swim,” Brooke announces as she grabs Hallie’s hand, pulling her toward the lake. Hallie looks over her shoulder at me, raising her hand in a wave as she’s pulled along by Brooke. I grin and wave back, loving how happy and carefree she is. It won’t last. Eventually, reality will catch up with her, but for now, she’s happy, and I love seeing her this way.

I turn to Liam, and we chat about his bachelor party, which is happening next weekend. He’s flying to Vegas for a few nights. I’ve been invited, but with work, I can’t commit to going. I can’t leave Hallie, and Liam gets that. Talking about Liam’s bachelor party makes me realize I have no idea what Brooke has planned for her bachelorette party.

“So, you’re off to Vegas,” I say to Liam. “What’s Brooke doing for her bachelorette party?”