Page 87 of Crossing the Line

Seconds later, he’s behind me.

“Shit. Are you okay?” His eyes flick to the mirror before he pulls me to him. Being in his arms calms me, and I know this was written before Matt was caught, but it still unnerves me. “It’s over, Hallie. He can’t hurt you now.”

“I know, it’s just…” I trail off and shake my head.

“It’s that he’s been here. I get it, baby.” He steps back, his hand going around my neck, his thumb stroking my cheek. “Move in with me, Hallie? You’ll never have to come back here. I’ll move all your things.” My eyes widen, and I step back, his hand dropping from my neck.

“What?” I whisper. “We can’t move in together. We’ve only known each other a couple of weeks.”

“I know I love you, and I want this. It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been together if it feels right.” I bite my lip and stare at him. My heart is screaming yes, but my head is holding me back. How can I go from never being kissed to moving in with a guy in just over two weeks?

“Can I… can I think about it? Everything is moving so fast.”

“Yeah. Of course, you can think about it.” He drags his hand through his hair. “We’re moving fast. I don’t want to rush you into doing anything you’re not ready for.”

“I do love you,” I tell him, hoping I haven’t hurt his feelings.

“I know, baby. Shall we get out of here?”

I nod as he wets a towel in the sink and wipes the lipstick off the mirror.

“I wonder why my parents never saw the message.”

“They probably never thought to check in here.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Come on. Let’s go. Have you got everything you need?”

“Yep,” I reply, snatching up my shampoo and conditioner before meeting him in the entryway. He’s picked up my bag from my room and is waiting for me.

“Ready?” I nod, and he pulls the front door open.

“Oh, crap! My phone charger. I’ll be right back.” I race down the hallway and into my bedroom, unplugging the charger from the wall. “Got it!” I hold it in the air as I meet Sawyer back in the entryway. “You know what’s weird?” I ask as we close the apartment door and turn around to lock up.

“What’s that?”

“I don’t have my boyfriend’s phone number.”

He smiles and holds out his hand. “Pass me your phone.” I pull it from the pocket of my shorts, entering my passcode. Handing it to him, I watch as his fingers fly across the screen. His phone rings in his pocket, and he smiles.

“There you go. Now you have mine, and I have yours.”

I grin like an idiot, reaching up on my tiptoes to kiss him. “Thank you.”

He chuckles. “If I’d known my phone number would make you this happy, I’d have given it to you sooner.”

“Youmake me happy—”

“Hallie?” I hear a voice call out from down the hallway. Turning, I see Kitty coming out of her apartment. “Oh my God, where have you been? Are you okay?” She looks between Sawyer and me and squeals. “You’re dating the hot Marine!”

I laugh and roll my eyes. “I’ve missed you, Kitty.” I walk toward her, and she pulls me in for a hug.

“God, I’d forgotten how hot he was,” she whispers.

Reaching for Sawyer’s hand, I pull him against my side. “Kitty, meet Sawyer, my close protection officer.” Her mouth drops open, and I think for once she is speechless.

“Your close protection officer? I thought he was your brother’s friend?” I can see the confusion on her face.