“Who invited these hoes?” Vette mumbled.

I looked up and saw two females entering the VIP section. One was tall with a long, black cheap wig that reminded me of Morticia fromThe Addams Family. The jet-black number one hair was entirely too dark for her fair skin. She should’ve gone with a number two or four to give it a more natural look. I mean, the wig would’ve still been bad, but the color change would’ve helped. The other female was around the same height as Morticia. She had either better friends or a better stylist because her weave was decent. She had too much leave out, in my opinion, but it still looked okay. Her silver dress with the side cutouts was dated, but she looked good in it.

“Hey fellas,” silver dress said.

“Tramicia, Holly, what’s up?” Drew said and hugged both women.

“Tramicia and Holly, this is Cam, Morris’ friend,” Drew remarked.

I waved. They waved back.

“And y’all already know Vette,” Drew said.

“I call her Tramp-icia and the other one Hoe-ly, not because the bitch goes to church but because she’s a hoe,” Vette chuckled.

I chuckled too.

“We all went to college together. They some hungry, thirsty hoes…still,” Vette mocked.

“Hey Morris, happy birthday,” Tramicia, the one with the black wig, said then licked her lips.

“Uh, Drew?” Vette started. “Who invited the second-string dick. suckers?”

“Fuck you, Vette,” Holly said.

“You tried bitch, remember? I turned you down?” Vette spat.

Vette was my type of girl. She appeared to be prim and proper but could get down and dirty with the best of ‘em.

“And Cam is here with Morris, so don’t be up here trying to give him the latest incurable venereal disease,” Vette added.

“Why do you always have something to say?” Tramicia returned.

“Bitch, these are my people…” Vette started.

“Excuse me,” Morris said while reaching between both women for my hand, “Dance with me?”


He placed his hand in the small of my back and escorted me down the steps and onto the dance floor.

“You don’t want to be around when Vette really turns up on those two,” Morris chuckled.

“So was one of those two your college girlfriend?”

Morris stepped back a little and looked at me. “I wouldn’t touch either one of those ladies with a ten-foot pole covered in a condom with the morning after pill sprinkled on it. They are cool people but not the ones you want to lie down with.”

“The one with the silver dress on was making her way over to you before Vette stopped her,” I teased.

“There is only one woman I want near me tonight and I already have her in my arms.”

He pulled me in, wrapped his arms around my waist, and nestled his face into my neck. “Call Out My Name” by The Weeknd started playing. I held onto his back as his beard tickled my neck and his hands held me close to him. Being that close to him again set all of my senses on fire. The thoughts of the night we’d spent together came rushing back and all I wanted him to do was move his hands past the safe space he’d rested them on, right above my butt, grab my ass and aggressively kiss me.

“Cam,” Morris said and nuzzled his face into my neck, “I’m tired of pretending…”

“Aye, we want to wish Big Moe and Drew a very happy birthday from your brothers!” the DJ said over the music. “This one is dedicated to you!”

“Freaky Girl” by Gucci Mane started playing.