“Sorry, I was just trying to catch you before I lost you in this crowd,” I yelled back. “I told you I was coming out to get you.”

“I know the bouncer. He told me to come in.”

“I’m not surprised,” I yelled.

I held her hand and led her up the steps to the VIP section.

“Drew, Darron, and Vette, this is my friend, Cam.”

Darron smiled and shook Cam’s hand. Drew, being Drew, decided to turn on the charm and try to kiss Cam’s hand. Cam rescinded her hand and said, “Weren’t you kicking it with Judy Carr? I’m almost positive you came up to the salon to pick her up.”

“St. Louis is too damn small,” Drew said while shaking his head and stepping back.

“I can’t take you nowhere without you knowing somebody!” I laughed.

“Like Judy’s boyfriend said, St. Louis is small,” Cam chuckled.

“I’m Vette, nice to meet you,” Vette extended her hand to Cam. They shook.

“This dress is fire!” Cam complimented.

“Thanks. Yours is cute too!” Vette responded.

“So, you got off work in time, huh?” I asked.

“Yeah, my last client decided to get a wash and set, but I’d blocked off a couple of hours to do a sew-in, so it worked out.”

Cam's hair looked to be freshly cut and styled. She wore just enough makeup to highlight her beautiful bone structure and just enough lipstick to draw attention to her full lips. Her short black dress and strappy red sandals had every man that she walked past’s head turning, including mine. She looked amazing.

“What are you drinking, birthday boy?” Cam asked

“There is some Moët in the bucket. The owner is taking care of drinks tonight,” I explained.

“You need something stronger than Moët,” Cam said while beckoning the bottle girl to us.

“What can I get for you?” the bottle girl smiled at Cam.

“Hi, it’s my friend’s birthday and while this champagne is nice, we need some rounds of something to celebrate. Can you get that for me?”

“Sure. What about fireballs? It’s the bartender’s special recipe,” the bottle girl said.

“Let’s do it!” Cam cheered.

Cam and I sat down on one of the couches and talked until the shots arrived.

“Aye, wait before we drink, let me say something,” Darron said. We all held our drinks and waited for him to continue. “Happy birthday to my brothers. I wouldn’t have made it through undergrad without you both…”

“You also would still be a virgin!” Drew added. “This nigglet ain’t have no game!”

We all laughed.

“He learned a lot in college,” Vette winked.

Darron shrugged, “It’s true these three taught me a lot. My wish is that y’all pockets stay fat, nuts stay empty, and stomachs stay full. Happy Birthday!”

“Happy Birthday,” we all yelled before throwing back our first shot, followed closely by our second shot.
