“Yeah,” she responded.

“I didn’t know that you were dating.”

“I wasn’t, but…” she said, then bent over to unbuckle her heels.

“Let me help,” I said while grabbing her left foot.

She didn’t resist when I put her foot on my lap and unbuckled her shoe. After I unfastened it, I put the shoe on the ground but held her foot on my lap. I lifted her right foot onto my lap and followed the same motions. After both shoes were off, I placed her left foot between both of my hands and moved my hands in a rolling motion from her toes down to her heel, massaging her foot. She released a sensual sounding breath and rested her head back on the couch, causing my dick to get hard immediately. I adjusted myself by moving a little in my seat and continued with the massage.

“But what?” I asked, trying to get my mind off all the sexual things that were running through my head.

“I want a family, some people on this earth that I can say belong to me,” she answered without lifting her head from the couch.


“Yes, but also someone who thinks of me at the donut shop and picks me up a glazed twist or someone who says, ‘Oh Cam? That’s my sister, cousin, wife, mom.’ I’ve never been called anything of those things, for real. I mean, don’t get me wrong, Tweet, Key, Blacc, and all my friends consider me their family, and I appreciate that, but I’m tired of being the lone wolf; the only one in the room who doesn’t belong to anyone or look like someone.”

“Have you ever thought about trying to find your parents?”

“I’ve thought about it, but I don’t know if I want to know. I haven’t thought about it in years,” she admitted.

I ran my knuckle up and down the middle of her foot.

“You want to be married one day?” I asked.

“Yes, I want the husband, the white…well black picket fence, two point five kids and a dog named Rufus. What about you? Do you want to be married one day?”

Applying pressure with my thumb, I massaged each toe before I moved over to the other foot.

“Yes. I want the girls to have a two-parent home. I told them once we purchased a house, I would get them a dog.”

“What kind of dog? A Schnoodle or a Cockapoo?’

“I’ve heard of a Cockapoo. What is a Schnoodle?”

“A schnauzer and a poodle,” she laughed.

“No, they want a Rottweiler.”

“A Rott? Really?”

“Yeah, they like big dogs.”

“Big dogs are cool. Rufus will be a big dog.”

A silence settled between us while I continued to massage her feet.

“So, no more dates with the trash guy?” I asked.

“Nope…” she trailed off.

By the time I finished with her other foot, light snores were coming from her. She was asleep. I pulled a blanket and pillow out and made her as comfortable as I could. I’d considered moving her to my bed, but I didn’t want her to wake up and freak out. I kissed her forehead and went to my room.


“Cam,” I heard a little voice say while softly touching my cheek.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Fee almost nose to nose with me.