“What if we try something romantic and ruin the friendship?” I asked.

“I guess you have to ask yourself if stepping out on your feelings is worth the risk. Like, would it be worth it to put yourself out of this misery of wondering and pretending or can you live the rest of your life never knowing? I think that’s where my ex and I went wrong. We jumped right into the bed and built our relationship on lust and feelings. Lust fades and feelings change. But if you can build your relationship on a tried and true friendship? It could go very far. Actually, it could last forever,” Miles said.

Could I take the chance again with Morris? He and Angel were no longer together and we had been spending a lot of time together. Could I forget that he tried to make me a side chick? Did he try to make me a side chick or was I tripping? Could I risk the friendship to relieve myself of the misery of wanting to be with him?

“You’re deep in thought over there,” Miles said, bringing me back to reality.

“I’m so sorry, Miles. We were supposed to be on a date, and here I am, talking about my non-existent love life with someone else. That’s so lame. I’m sorry.”

“It’s not lame, Cam. Every connection that you make with the opposite sex doesn’t have to be sexual. Sometimes dope people are placed in your path to help you come up. I enjoyed our conversation. You’ve given me hope that all the good women aren’t taken,” he reached across the table and squeezed my hand. “You should tell your friend how you feel and have an open and honest conversation about it. If you are half as amazing to him as you’ve been to me, he would be an idiot not to have to the same feelings for you.”

“Miles, thank you.”

“No, thank you. Now come on and eat this food. It looks amazing.”

The rest of our conversation was light and friendly. He was a good guy and would make someone a great companion.

After making it back to my apartment, I sent Morris a text.


My phone vibrating in my pocket startled the crap out of me, seeing that when it vibrated, I’d had my eye pressed to the peephole of my front door trying to see if I could catch a glimpse of Cam returning from her date. I wondered if she would arrive alone or with someone. Then I wondered if I would be able to handle seeing her with someone. The thought of some clown getting close to her made my stomach churn. I should’ve tried to stop her from going. I could’ve taken El’s advice and told her how I felt. Maybe that would’ve stopped the date. Perhaps it wouldn’t have. I wasn’t sure. What I knew for sure was that I didn’t want her with anyone else, I wanted her with me.

Hey - Cam


Are you still awake? – Cam

Yeah, watching ESPN.

I lied.

I’m coming over. – Cam


I quickly turned on my tv and straightened up my living room before she lightly tapped on my door. I opened the door and couldn’t help but smile. She was stunning in her bright pink strapless top, multi-colored fitted skirt, and bright pink heels. She wore long gold earrings that almost touched her shoulders and some pink lipstick that I had to force myself not to stare at. I fought against the urge to push her against the wall, kissing her until all her pink lipstick was gone.

“You look amazing, Cam,” I said, stepping to the side to let her in.

Her floral scent followed her in.

“Thank you. I need a drink,” she said and sat down on my couch.

I closed the door, then went and poured us both a glass of brandy.

I passed the glass to her, then sat down next to her.

“What happened. He didn’t try to hurt you, did he?”

“No, he was a nice guy. The date went a little different than I expected.”

“What does that mean?”

“We ended up just talking as friends. Nothing romantic at all.”

“Oh yeah?” I said, trying to sound indifferent, but I was actually overjoyed.