“Yes,” Fee said while hopping from her chair and opening one of the kitchen drawers. She handed me the digital thermometer.

“Thanks. Your dad is not feeling well. Would you mind if I took you to school so he can rest?” I asked.

“You can take us to school, so Daddy can feel better,” Fee answered.

“Okay, let me take his temperature and get him settled, then we will leave, okay?”

They both agreed.

I went back into Morris’ room and found him in the exact same spot where I’d left him.

“Open,” I said after kicking my shoes off and climbing onto his massive bed. I had some very fond memories of that bed.

He opened his eyes and saw the thermometer then opened his mouth. I stuck the thermometer under his tongue and removed it after it beeped.

“Moe, your temperature is one hundred and three. That’s too high. Come on and get all the way on the bed,” I said while pulling back his plush black and grey comforter.

“No, the girls can’t miss school, and I have some work I need to do today,” he protested.

“I will take the girls to school and pick them up. They already agreed,” I explained.

“No, Cam…”

“Shut up and get in the bed, Morris, damn. It shouldn’t be this hard to let someone help your stubborn ass.”

He rolled his eyes.

“I don’t care nothing about your amateur attempt at eyerolling. I am going to drop the girls off at school and pick up some meds for you.”

“Let me get up and at least make sure…” he started to move.

“Morris, if you get out of that bed, you are going to catch these hands. You don’t want these problems, sir.”

He chuckled a little then said, “Fine, they need their homework and lunch money envelopes.”

“Girls,” I called out.

Both girls appeared in the doorway of the room.

“Your daddy is going to stay in bed because he is not feeling well. I am going to take you to school and pick you up.”

“We usually ride the afterschool program bus,” Skye said.

“It’s up to you. If you want to go to aftercare, I can pick you up from there.”

“I want to come home and take care of Daddy,” Fee said.

“Yeah, we can come home,” Skye agreed.

“Do you have your lunch envelopes and homework?” Morris asked.

“We have them,” Skye answered.

“Alright, you both will behave with Ms. Cam, right?”

“Yes, sir,” Skye said.

“Of course,” Fee said.