“Fee, I’m serious,” Morris said, an octave lower.

“Yes, sir,” Fee quickly replied.

“Alright, I will see you when you get home. Have a good day,” Morris said.

The girls blew kisses to their dad before we left the apartment. We listened to Kids Bop radio all the way to their school.

It was my first time dropping them off, so they gave me instructions on which lane to drive in once we arrived on the school property.

“Get in the right lane. Mr. Cates will open the door for us when it’s our turn to get out,” Skye explained.

I followed the car in front of me and watched an older black gentleman open the back door of the car and greet the little boy who hopped out. This was a first-world setup if I’d ever seen one.

I pulled up after the car in front of me moved. Just as Skye explained, Mr. Cates opened their door.

“Good morning, Miss Owens and Miss Owens,” Mr. Cates smiled.

“Good morning Mr. Cates,” both girls responded.

“I will be back here to pick you up at the end of the day. Have a great day,” I said as the girls collected their backpacks and got out of the car.

“Have a good day, ma’am,” Mr. Cates said after both girls were safely on the sidewalk.

“You too,” I responded before he closed the back door.

I drove away, slowly watching the girls climb the stairs of the school and disappear into the building.

I stopped by the grocery store to pick up medicine, water, and some ingredients for soup. I grabbed some gloves and cleaning supplies from my apartment before going back over to Morris’ house. I put the groceries in the kitchen along with the cleaning supplies, then went back to check on Morris.

“Hey, sit up. Let me recheck your temp before you take this medicine.”

He slowly sat up in the bed. I put the thermometer in his mouth again and waited for it to beep.

“It’s gotten higher. Are you having any chest pain or weakness on your left side?”

I’d read that heart conditions could sometimes mimic cold or flu symptoms. I had to ask to make sure.

“No, the pain is not centralized; it’s all over,” Morris answered.

“If your temperature gets any higher, we are going to the doctor.”

“I’m not go…” Morris started then looked at me.

I tilted my head, put my hand on my hip, and waited for him to finish.

“Never mind,” he finished.

I rolled my eyes then handed him the pills, “Take this medicine while I start the shower.”

I went into his master bathroom to start his shower. The silver and black decor was masculine and modern. It took me a second to figure out the shower settings, but once I did, I turned the water to cold and let it run.

I walked back out to Morris and said, “You are going to have to stand in the shower, so we can break this fever. Can you make it to the bathroom?”

“Yeah, I will make it,” Morris said.

After throwing his legs over the bed, he moved to stand up.

“Whoa,” he said once he stood erect.