“I had to learn how to shoot. Living alone and leaving out of that shop alone at night can be dangerous. If somebody runs up on me, they will regret it for the rest of their short life. That’s for sure,” Cam said.

“Let me get back in here to them. Thanks, Cam,” I leaned in and kissed her forehead.

I wanted to pull her closer and linger in that space for a moment. I didn’t stay. I pulled away but noticed that her eyes were closed.

“No problem, Morris,” she whispered after opening her eyes. She turned and went into her apartment.


“Ican’t believe this is our last hurrah,” I said, looking at Tweet in the mirror.

I was finishing up her hair for her going away party later.

“Yeah, but we will still have our monthly business meetings, they will just be over Facetime instead of in person,” Tweet consoled.

“And either you will come back or I will come there to get your head together. You bet not let none of those chicks up there in your head.”

“I’m not!” she laughed. “Have you spoken any more to Professor Chadwick about the business grant?”

“Yeah, between him, Sallie, and Morris, they act like it’s a done deal. I’m nervous as heck, but I went ahead and submitted my application.”

“Yay!” Tweet held her hand up for a high five. We slapped hands before she continued, “I agree with them. I will be coming back for the grand opening soon.”

I added a few more curls to her new sew-in.

“You’ve been talking about Morris more often. Are you guys getting close again?” Tweet asked.

“Sorta. I mean, we have been hanging out, and I see him every morning before he goes to work because he stops by and gets coffee.”


“Yeah, he buys, and I brew. I’m toeing the line because he’s still with Angel.”

“The same Angel that I saw all tucked under Councilman Henry when I was out in DC?” Tweet asked.

“Shut the front door!”

“Square biz!” Tweet replied.

“Not square biz!” I laughed.

“Yeah, I’m bringing it back. But for real, I was out and saw them together. The way she was all in his face, I thought she wasn’t with Morris anymore.”

“That’s a shame. I wonder if Morris knows and just doesn’t care?”

“I think that Morris cares about you. I think Angel is just around to pass the time. You should’ve talked to him about what you saw a long time ago,” Tweet answered.

“Tweet, that’s old.”

“Cam, no, it’s not. You know how you feel about him. Why are you torturing yourself? It could be as simple as a brief conversation to clear your mind.”

“I’m not having that conversation with him. He’s with someone else.”

“You’re willing to just brew his coffee and get pieces of his time when you could have him all to yourself? You’re scared, sis. I don’t know why, but you are. You are pussyfooting around him when you know good and damn well that what you saw is probably not what really happened. You deserve to be with someone that loves you. You deserve love.”

I blinked back tears listening to Tweet. She knew me better than anyone. She knew how the feelings of abandonment and inadequacy crept up in me and stopped me from doing certain things like talking to Morris.

“I’m not trying to hurt your feelings, but the reality of the situation is you’ve had a thing for this man for way too long. You are worth more than a hi and bye here and there or a cup of coffee every morning. If you don’t finally grow a pair and tell him, I will,” Tweet said.