“I couldn’t miss it. I wanted to shake her and see if some Skittles fell out,” I laughed.

“You’re ignorant,” Cam chuckled. “So…the girls’ mom…”

“I just can’t believe she did that. I’ve never been worried about the girls when they were with her. Now, I don’t know how I am going to deal with her wanting to take them.”

“Do you think she is on drugs? I’m not trying to say anything bad about the girls’ mother, but that was some bullshit.”

“I don’t know if she is on drugs, but what I know for sure is that she better steer clear of me until I calm down. I’ve never put my hands on a woman, but I could strangle her ass right now.”

“I don’t blame you. I’ve been delivered from brawling, but she could definitely get these hands. That was so immature and irresponsible.”

“Skye called her irresponsible, too. It breaks my heart that my daughters have to be subjected to her immaturity.”

“How do you handle that? Like what do you say when your nine-year-old calls her mother immature?”

“I’ve learned that no matter what my opinion of their mother is, I have to always speak kindly about her to them. I don’t want to be the reason they don’t have a relationship with her.”

“That’s good. I hate it when parents use the kids to fight each other.”

“I won’t use them as pawns. They will never be in the middle of our conflicts. She’ll never be able to say that I turned them against her. The feelings they have for Bee will come from their dealings with her, not me.”

“I think that’s smart,” Cam said.

I looked at my phone, “Bee hasn’t called me, so that means that my girls would have still been in the care of some strangers, or she knows that I am pissed and is afraid to call.”

“Let’s hope for the second one,” Cam said.

My phone vibrated in my hand; I saw Bee’s name on the screen. The same feeling of rage that coursed through me when Skye called was back. I thought I’d calmed down, but I hadn’t.

“Speaking of the devil,” I said and declined the call.

I was furious and had no intention of speaking to Beatrice. She called right back.

“Beatrice, you really don’t want to have this conversation with me right now. Give me some time, or I am going to say something that I won’t be able to take back,” I said after connecting the call.

“Moe, I was only gone for...,” Bee started.

I pulled the phone from my ear and yelled directly into the mouthpiece, “ONLY GONE? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. YOU LEFT MY DAUGHTERS IN THE CARE OF PEOPLE THEY DIDN’T KNOW AT A PLACE THEY WEREN’T FAMILIAR WITH. YOU BETTER BE GLAD I’M NOT CLOSE TO YOUR ASS RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I COULD…” Looking up and noticing Cam watching me intently, I stopped and took a deep breath. “Beatrice,” I said as calmly as I could, “Give me some time. The girls are fine. I am hanging up now.”

“But, Moe…” Bee still tried.

I disconnected the call and tucked my phone back in my pocket. I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to calm down.

“You good?” Cam asked.

“Yes. I’m good,” I answered.

My phone vibrated again. I reached into my pocket and turned the power off.

“I’m sorry for yelling out here. This shit is ridiculous,” I said.

“It’s fine. You did better than me. I probably would be back down there whooping her ass if those were my kids. Of course, you don’t have that option cause you’re a man, but Bee would’ve gotten it tonight.”

“That call scared the shit out of me. Like in two seconds, some really horrific shit ran through my mind,” I confessed.

“It scared me too, and I only caught bits and pieces of the conversation. You wouldn’t be human if that situation didn’t scare you a little,” Cam said.

“Anyway, it was not my intention to dump my problems on you, but again, I appreciate the back up, and I like your choice of weapons.”