“No. Nine is perfect.”

“I feel a little better. Thanks for making me laugh,” Cam said.

“No problem. That’s what friends are for. Good night.”

“Sleep tight, Captain,” Cam said.


While waiting for Morris and the girls to arrive at the shop for their appointment, I went through my hair and product inventory, double-checked my schedule for the next week, and cleaned my work area.

There was a crew that cleaned once a week to give the shop a good scrub down, but I always liked to take a day to prepare myself for the next week. Sunday was usually my day because I used Mondays and Wednesdays to run errands and take care of myself and my business.

The tapping on the door indicated that my new little clients had arrived. The hairstyles that Morris sent me were adorable. Both girls’ hair should be easy to maintain.

“Good morning,” I said after opening the door.

“Good morning,” each girl said as they stepped into the shop.

“Good morning,” Morris said, following them.

Skye had on a velour, pastel purple, two-piece sweat suit with sparkling sneakers. Fee’s outfit was the same, except her sweat suit was yellow.

Morris wore a pair of black Jordan sweatpants with a matching hoodie and a pair of black, red, and green Jordan Ones. His hair cut was fresh, beard was trimmed, and he smelled amazing, as always.

I relocked the door behind them.

“Have a seat. I like to talk to my clients for a couple of minutes before I do their hair for the first time. I don’t want to be putting my hands in somebody’s head without at least properly introducing myself.”

Morris sat on the bench facing my chair, and the girls chose a seat on each side of him.

“I do this for all my new clients, and I know we already know each other but play along, okay?”

They all nodded.

“My name is Cam. I’ve been a stylist for over ten years, professionally. I specialize in custom wigs, sew-ins, and natural hair care. I believe in healthy hair, not just pretty hair. I’ve worked in this shop for almost as long as I have been doing hair. I like good music and new adventures. Tell me a little about you.”

Skye, the more reserved of the two, looked at her dad before speaking. Her almond-colored skin, bright, milk chocolate-colored eyes, and round face made her adorable. She had Morris’ eyes and laid-back personality.

“Go ahead,” Morris encouraged.

“My name is Skye. I am in the fourth grade. I’m the best speller in my whole school, and I am nine.”

“Oh, I loved spelling when I was in school. I was in a spelling bee one time,” I gloated.

“Did you win?” Skye asked.

“No,” I chuckled. “You know what word got me? Alcohol, that’s a hard word to spell. I’ll never forget, I spelled it a-l-c-a-h-o-l. That’s how it’s pronounced,” I shrugged.

Skye snickered then said, “A-l-c-o-h-o-l, alcohol. I’m going to represent my whole school at the district spelling bee.”

“We don’t know that yet. There is one more competition to go,” Morris corrected.

Skye scrunched her face and said, “Against the sixth graders? Puhleeze, they can’t beat me.”

“She is an excellent speller,” Morris said.

“Well, good luck. If the word is alcohol, you gone smash them other kids,” I smiled.