“My turn!” Fee said, raising her hand.

“Okay, go ahead, Fee,” I said.

Fee was on the opposite side of the personality spectrum from Skye. She was animated and used her hands a lot to speak while Skye was more reserved. She and Skye shared the same round, chocolate eyes, but Fee’s espresso complexion made her eyes more prominent. Her bushy eyebrows and long eyelashes added to her beautiful features.

“I’m Fee! I’m seven, and I like ice cream, mermaids, and unicorns. My daddy said he is going to let me get some ice cream after we are done as long as I don’t get in here acting a fool,” Fee finished.

I held in my chuckle.

“She doesn’t like getting her hair done,” Morris explained.

“You did so well the other day, though,” I said to Fee.

“It didn’t hurt,” Fee shrugged. “When daddy does it, he be brushing my eyebrows up into my pony…”

“Okay, Phoenix,” Morris interrupted.

I held in my laughter.

“Okay, so I don’t know if you’ve ever been to a salon before…”

Both girls shook their heads.

“I will take you one at a time to the shampoo bowl. Instead of leaning forward to get your hair washed, you will put the back of your head in the sink. It’s a lot more comfortable. I will wash and condition your hair, then I will blow dry it and braid it. Sound good?”

“Yes!” both girls said.

“Morris, you don’t have to stay…”

“No, I will stay. I just need to sit near an outlet,” he answered while holding up a laptop case.

“Pick any one you want to use,” I motioned around the shop. “No one else comes in on Sundays.”

I got to work on the girls’ hair while Morris sat on the couch, working on his laptop. He kept his eyes on his girls and worked at the same time.

Both girls were impressed with the shampoo bowl and not getting water in their eyes. We chatted about school, movies, and music while I took care of their hair.

“Daddy, I’m hungry,” Fee whined.

She sat next to Morris on the couch after I blow dried her hair. I started braiding Skye’s hair first.

Morris closed his laptop, giving her his full attention.

“You just had breakfast, not too long ago baby girl,” he replied.

“No, we ate earlier. It’s lunchtime,” Fee corrected.

“You will have to wait until Ms. Cam is finished with your hair. We can’t leave until then.”

“Daddy, you could go. I’m hungry, too,” Skye responded.

“Ms. Cam is not your babysitter; she is your stylist. I’m not going to leave you here while I go…”

“It’s okay. They will be fine. I promise,” I interrupted.

Morris took a deep breath and looked at me.

“We will be in these exact same spots when you return, scout’s honor,” I said, putting up the sign that boy scouts used.