“Cause once Cam gets mad, shut the piano, close up shop and walk away. It’s over for whomever she’s got her eye on!” Tweet added.

“Straight up!” Nuri agreed. “Cassius Cam came out of retirement and made an appearance! The club bouncer had to literally lift Cam from the ground and carry her away.”

“Cassius Cam?” Macy questioned.

Tweet rested her hand on my shoulder and said, “This is Cam reinvented. The original Cam would haul off and knock a chick out if she even thought about coming at any of us wrong.”

“I used to fight all the time. My temper was terrible. I’ve gotten so much better, right guys?” I said, looking at Tweet and Nuri.

“You really have that’s why I was surprised when you tried to break li’l momma’s neck,” Nuri responded.

“She pushed me. I can take the words, just don’t put your hands on me.”

“I mean, that’s understandable. We all have our limits,” Macy said.

“So, the bouncer broke it up?” Tweet asked.

“Yeah, it was Major. You remember him, don’t you, Tweet?”

“Yeah, I’m sure he remembered you too. He broke up plenty of your fights back in the day,” Tweet responded.

“He did. That was why he was over there in a flash.”

“He did get there quick, but not quick enough for Wifey. The bouncer came over and picked Cam up but didn’t realize that Cam still had the girl’s weave. So he picked up Cam and the girl. She squirmed and screamed until Cam finally let her go. She fell to the ground and skinned her knee. She made the sizzling sound with her mouth while examining her knee. Her friends rushed over to her, but they didn’t budge when Cam had her,” Nuri chuckled.

“All I remember is yelling at you on the phone on the way back to the house. You know I can’t stand people touching me like that. I tried more than once to end the confrontation, but she wasn’t having it trying to be all big and bad in front of her friends. Plus, how stupid would I look arguing with a woman about her husband? I just wanted it to be over, but no, she had to touch me! I got back to my house, called that lying muthafucka, and cursed him until I was hoarse! How the fuck you lie about your name? How did he get Rickey out of Marlon?” I chuckled. “But it’s y’all fault. Listening to y’all and setting up that profile on that dating site and look what I got from it? A bar brawl! I deleted that app off my phone. I will not be doing that ever again!”

“Rickey Marlon was obviously stupid. Why lie?” Tweet said.

“Especially when you are kicking it with a chick that will go through your stuff and find out exactly what you are doing,” Macy said.

“Right, which is what most chicks will do when they suspect something is wrong,” I responded.

“So, you're back on your celibacy kick?” Tweet asked.

“I’m not celibate. I’m on dick strike,” I corrected. “Celibacy is usually practiced for some sort of religious ritual or rule. That ain’t me. I’m on strike because I’m tired of giving pieces of myself away to men who don’t deserve it, let alone know what to do with them. I want all my pieces, so I can be whole and love myself.”

“Amen,” Macy responded

“Macy, you’re on a dick strike too?” Nuri asked.

“Hell, naw! I have more than enough pieces to share. I was just trying to be supportive,” Macy responded.

We all laughed.

“How long is your no sex thing going to last?” Nuri asked, returning to the topic.

“Until I meet the right person, I guess. I just need a break from the stupidity of men. I’m tired of trying to read between the lines, wondering if he's truthful, hell wondering if he’s with someone else. I need a brain break.”

“Have you dated anyone since Percy?” Tweet asked.

I’d met Percy while I was on tour with Lyrica. Lyrica was a modern-day icon of the R&B genre. My friends and I had gotten backstage passes to meet her when she was on tour in St. Louis. She needed some help with her custom wig unit, and her stylist didn’t have a solution. I stepped in and helped. After that, Lyrica asked me to travel with her on some of her tour dates.

Percy was one of the lighting and sound guys that worked on the tour. One night after the show, most of the crew and staff went out to a local club. We drank, danced, and kicked it well into the morning. Somehow, Percy and I started talking that night then started hanging out. I’d asked around to make sure he wasn’t married or in any type of long-standing relationship before I gave him the time of day. I got the all-clear from everyone I asked.

Percy was cool, but he was in love with money. He was fixated on ways to earn it, keep it, and grow it. I got tired of hearing about his investments, which were more like get-rich-quick schemes, but the sex was good, not the best I’d had, of course, but it was good. I could usually shut him up with an ear nibble or a kiss.

The relationship was not deep, but it was cool. I didn’t need more than what he gave me, and I figured he felt the same way. One day we had a conversation, and he said something about his time in undergrad, he finished the statement with, “But I know you didn’t have that at beauty school.”