“He’s not married,” I restated.

“Speaking of married,” Nuri started. “Did you ever tell Tweet about our little experience the other night?”

Cindy’s nosy ass sat up straight in the chair, waiting for details that she was not going to get from me.

“It was a mess, that’s what that was, and we will leave it at that for now, but I blame both of y’all!” I said, pointing to Tweet and Nuri.

“What y’all talking about?” Cindy asked, looking at Nuri and me.

“We will talk later,” Tweet laughed after both me and Nuri paused to look at Cindy like she had two heads.

Cindy was known for running her mouth to anyone who would listen. She couldn’t hold water. It was not uncommon for our conversations in the shop to reach the streets when Cindy was around. We nicknamed herCindy Williamssince she was always discussing other people’s business.How you doin?

“Y’all can keep y’all li’l conversation. It ain’t nearly as interesting as what happened to Pat the other night,” Cindy said,

“Pat with the long eyelashes?” Tweet said.

“Yep,” Cindy said before going into a long third or fourth-party story about one of Tweet’s other clients.

* * *

“Alright, now tell me what the hell happened the other night,” Tweet started while sweeping the hair up from around her station. All of the clients had left the shop, so we were free to talk openly. “When Nuri called me, I couldn’t get you to calm down to get a straight answer out of you.”

“So, you know we were going to the club to meet ol’ boy, Rickey, that I met throughNSNC, right?”

“The dating app, right?” Tweet confirmed.

“Right, it stands forNo Sugar, No Cream,” Macy said.

“Apparently, his wife intercepted our text conversations ‘cause her and her homegirls met us at the club instead of him!”

“His wife! That nigga said he was single with no kids!” Tweet snarled while putting her hands on her hips.

“Why would he put a profile onNSNCif he was married?” Macy asked.

“Exactly! That’s why I was confused when she walked up on me like she was going to do something. She was doing the clap-n-talk like, ‘did-you-text-Marlon?’” I clapped my hands after each word to demonstrate how preposterous the whole scene was. “I was like this bitch is crazy! I don’t know nobody named Marlon. Then it clicked. I was like, Rickey?”

“Chile, wifey went miniature bananas!” Nuri laughed.

“Why you say miniature?” Tweet asked.

“’Cause she was only about four-eleven!” Nuri laughed. “I could’ve bopped her little ass on the top of the head, and she would’ve been down for the count!”

“So, she got in your face?” Tweet questioned me.

“Okay, so I was like; first, the nigga told me his name was Rickey. I didn’t know he was married ’cause I’m not a side chick, and so let’s just leave it at that. Her homegirl in the background talking about, ‘she lying…she lying. She just didn’t think you would confront her,’ you know, egging her friend on and shit. She got all in my face, and then the bitch pushed me…I blacked out,” I said and threw my hands in the air.

“Who pushed you?” Macy asked.

“Wifey pushed her. After that, it was on. It’s been years since I’d seen that Cam, but in a split-second,Cassius Camwas back and had the girl’s entire head of weave wrapped around her hand and her wrist. Cam was about to do some serious damage had it not been for the bouncer. I knew I couldn’t stop her,” Nuri explained.

“Remember that time we tried to be the peacemakers between Cam and that girl at the club?” Tweet asked Nuri.

“Girl, yeah. We both had cuts and bruises trying to stop Cam from killing that girl!” Nuri laughed.

“We retired after that,” Tweet continued to laugh.

“We hung up our referee hats,” Nuri added.