“I have a friend, who shall remain nameless,” Cam looked at me then continued, “Who plays rough and she’s never lost hers.”

I angrily squinted my eyes at Cam.

“Cam’s installations don’t move until you want them to,” Robin confirmed.

“Could you do it for me?” Lyrica asked. “I would pay you for your time.”

“I just need to go to my car,” Cam answered.

One of the security guards escorted Cam to her car while we all waited for her to return. She came back rolling her portable station. It was filled with all her hair essentials. She kept her portable station in her car for her clients that she traveled to for photo shoots or events.

Cam pulled out her tools and got to work while Lyrica’s stylist stood off to the side and watched. Cam even added another track of weave to the back of Lyrica’s unit to give it a little more length and more body.

Cam did my hair all the time, and I knew she was a star, but she put her very best into Lyrica’s hair. When she finished with the installation, it looked amazing.

“Oh, my gawd! Cam, this is beautiful! Evelyn, do you like it?” Lyrica asked her stylist.

“It’s an amazing technique. You should teach a class on it,” Evelyn said.

“Thank you,” Cam smiled.

“What do I owe you?” Lyrica asked.

“Please, this whole evening has been payment enough,” Cam said while packing up her things. “Just kill it tonight and prove me right that my installations don’t move.”

“Will do!” Lyrica said.

We were directed to our front row seats next to Averie and Samuel.

“Vee, Lyrica was amazing!” I smiled.

“I’m so glad you got to meet her,” Averie smiled. “It’s good to see you smile.”

The concert began with Lyrica emerging from the center of the stage in a black sequin bodysuit looking stunning. Song after song and wardrobe change after wardrobe change, Lyrica put on the best concert I’d ever attended.

The music started to one of her most popular songs about showing her man a good time. I screamed because I knew all the dance moves to the song. I’d watched the video a million times.

“Hey!” Lyrica called out to the crowd, “I need some help with these moves! Who wants to join me?”

Of course, the entire stadium raised their hands. I put both my hands up even though I was sure she had someone planted in the audience that she was going to bring to the stage.

“Oh! I think I found my help!”

She walked to the edge of the stage where I stood and pointed to me.

“Key! Can you come dance with me?” she smiled.

“Hell yeah!” I screamed.

One of her beefy security guards escorted me on to the stage.

“Okay, Friend, are you ready?” Lyrica asked.

I eagerly nodded.

“Alright, let’s go!”

The music hit. As soon as the beat dropped, I started dancing. I dropped when I was supposed to drop, turned on cue and kept up with Lyrica and her dancers. I was in my element! I loved to dance and I loved the choreography to that song.