“Aye! Give it up for Keeva!” Lyrica cheered as the song came to an end.

The crowd cheered, and I cheered for myself! I killed it if I did say so myself!

At the end of the concert, Lyrica blew kisses our way before she was whisked off the stage by security. We all blew kisses back.

I was so hyped that It didn’t matter that I’d stood the entire concert in Louboutin heels and my feet were on fire! I had to suck up the pain and walk back to my car like my feet didn’t hurt, but as soon as I got into the car, I threw those mugs in the back seat.

The whole night felt like an out of body experience. I’d been a fan of Lyrica since she first came out with her mom years ago. I’d followed her career, purchased her albums and clothes from her clothing line. I admired her business savvy and the way she kept people out of her business. Meeting her was one of the best things that I could have ever experienced. The only thing that would’ve made the night better is if Kerem would’ve been there with me.


You sleep? – The Wife

I sat up immediately to respond to her text. I hadn’t realized that I’d dozed off.


I need help again – The Wife

Are you on your way?

I’m here. – The Wife

I swiftly moved to the front door to let Key in.

She stood on the other side of the storm door looking as beautiful as she did before she left except this time she had removed the black stilettos and replaced them with some ADIDAS slides.

I unlocked the storm door to let her in.

“I have to use the bathroom,” she said as she rushed past me into the hall bathroom.

I went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water while I waited on her to come out of the bathroom.

“Whew! I didn’t think I was going to make it! I don’t know why I held it instead of going to the bathroom at the venue!” Key said as she walked into the kitchen, drying her hands on a paper towel.

“Did you have a good time?” I asked.

“Reem,” she smiled. “I had THE best time of my LIFE! I met Lyrica and Obasi. They were amazing. Lyrica had some hair problems, and Cam ended up sewing her wig on. That was cool, but you would never guess the most exciting thing that happened!” she said excitedly.


“I danced on stage with Lyrica during the concert!” she said in one breath while smiling.

I smiled too. I enjoyed the excitement in her voice and the genuine joy on her face. I’d missed seeing my wife smile.

“You did?”

“YES! And I kept up too! I wasn’t letting those lil twenty-something dancers she had put me to shame!” she laughed while re-creating one of the dance moves.

She and her younger sister were always dancing so it was no surprise she kept up with Lyrica. I hate that I missed it, but she deserved to enjoy her night with her friends.

“Her show was canceled the last time she was supposed to come because she was pregnant, right?”

“Yep, she kept her curves but lost the baby weight. She looked good. Oh, and Averie and Samuel were there too. Samuel knows the musical director of the tour. He is one of the Bluettes, you know the brothers that we met at the hospital when Samuel was in there?”

“Yeah, I remember them. I’m glad you had a good time.”

“I did. I had an amazing time. Can you unzip this now, so I can get on around the corner?” she asked.