As soon as Peggy opened the door, the smell of chlorine assaulted my nostrils. Peggy fumbled around looking for a light switch. Once the room was illuminated, we both were pleasantly surprised. Bright blue walls surrounded us with colorful murals of underwater life.

“Wow,” Keeva said looking around.

“There are two pools in here. One is Olympic sized and the other is a wading pool,” Peggy explained.

“We could do summer swim and even swimming classes,” Keeva said.

I nodded my agreement. We looked at each pool and the small changing rooms and showers. It would be a great investment.

We followed Peggy back over to the other building.

“Go ahead and take a look around. Holler if you need me,” Peggy said.

Keeva and I started on the main floor of the two-story building.

“Wow!” Keeva said, looking around. “This is even better than I remember. We wouldn’t need to do too much to make it what we need.”

“We would need to add some security measures, but I could ask Samuel’s security people about that,” I added.

“Yep,” she responded without turning around.

As she walked through the building, I watched as her ass swayed under her sundress. She didn’t have the largest ass, but it was proportioned perfectly to me. I noticed her color changing from being out in the sun with kids at the center. Her chocolate skin was already beautiful, but when she tanned, it took on a golden hue that I loved.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she said, breaking my trance.

I walked closer to her.

“Like what? Like if we were here alone, I would reach under that sundress and rip those panties off you? If you weren’t mad at me…”

“If you hadn’t messed up,” she corrected.

“If I hadn’t messed up,” I amended, “I would bend you over this counter and make you come. Is that how I am looking?”

She took in a sharp breath. One of the many things that Keeva and I shared was a remarkable attraction to each other. Our sex life was healthy, adventurous, and fun.

I closed more of the distance between us.

“And I know you would like it because you are wet right now, aren’t you? You don’t have to answer,” I leaned down to speak into her ear, “I can smell you, Mrs. Abernathy.”

“Reem…,” Keeva hoarsely whispered.

“Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy? How are you liking the property?” Peggy popped into the room to ask.

Talk about terrible timing!

“Yes, ummm,” Keeva fanned herself with her hand then cleared her throat, “How soon could we close on the property if we are interested?”

I stayed behind Keeva trying to conceal the raging erection that I had.

I’m sure Peggy answered the question, but all I could focus on was being inside of my wife. I needed her.

We talked to Peggy a few minutes more before she locked up the building and told us to contact her when we’d made a decision. We waved goodbye to her as she drove off.

“So, what do you think?” I asked as I leaned on my car.

“I think it’s my dream. This is the final piece to Rock-A-Bye,” Keeva answered.

“I agree. I’ve been thinking about this, and if this is something that you want, we should do it.”