“Even in our current condition?” Keeva questioned.

“It’s too good to pass up.”

She stood in front of me with the purse I’d purchased her on her arm deep in thought.

“I agree. Let’s make an offer on it,” she said.

I hoped that her agreeing to purchase the property also meant that she was thinking about working on us as well.



“Okay wait, don’t open your eyes yet,” I heard Kerem say. I was blindfolded and had no idea where we were or what he was doing. Our wedding was less than a month away, and I still had things that needed to be done. The last thing I wanted to do was play blindfolded games.

I heard him moving around, but he still hadn’t removed the blindfold yet. I could smell fresh paint, so I knew I was somewhere near construction or renovations.

“Reem,” I whined.

“Okay, one more second, Key. I’m almost ready,” Kerem said from a distance.

“You will still have clothes on when I open my eyes, won’t you?” I giggled.

“Humph, I hadn’t planned on that, but we could improvise,” he responded.

“No! Come on, Reem. I want to see what you are doing!”

“Okay,” he released the knot from the back of the blindfold then said, “Welcome home.”

Examining the freshly painted beige walls and the brand-new maple hardwood floors, I realized I was standing in the living room of a house that I’d never seen before. I looked to my right and saw a beautiful kitchen with tall white cabinets and a huge center island. I loved white cabinets. I looked to my left and saw a large stained glass window that seemed to be an original part of the house. I loved houses with old elements.

“Reem?” I looked at him to confirm what I thought he’d said.

“This is our house, Key. Bought and paid for. I got it with the money I earned after buying that stock.”

He’d learned about investing in stocks while we were in high school and had made some wise choices which yielded him a nice profit. He studied business in college and continued making smart investments.

“I didn’t decorate it yet because I know that’s something you want to do. Look,” he said, taking me by the hand and directing me to the basement. “This area can be for your daycare center that you want to start. I already had a preliminary inspection, and we just have to make a few adjustments before it would pass as a daycare.”

“This is the perfect space! I can put little hooks over here and some small toilets over there,” I pointed.

“I chose this house because of this space. I thought it would be perfect for the daycare as well.”

We went back upstairs. He showed me the three bedrooms with walk-in closets, one of which he claimed for his home office. The backyard would be the perfect place for my daycare kids to play outside, and we would still have space to entertain.

“I have some more money put aside for you to buy all the furniture and appliances that we need. So, what do you think?” He asked.

“I thought we were going to move into your apartment! You had this planned the entire time?”

“Yes,” he smiled. “That’s why I made the Sunday open house thing a habit for us. I needed to see what you liked and didn’t like so I could incorporate it into this for you.”

I thought we’d been going to open houses on Sundays because we both liked being nosey and seeing how other people lived. I had no clue that he was actually trying to figure out what I liked and didn’t like.

“I see my neutral walls, white cabinets, stone countertops, and hardwood floors. And there is space for me to open Rock-a-bye Baby daycare…”

“You’re sticking with that name? You didn’t like any of my suggestions like Little Learners or Little Kingdom?” Kerem asked.

“Both were great suggestions, but I’m sticking to the one I chose! I lovedNew Jack City. Keisha was a boss just like me! When they pulled up on Smitty and she pulled the trigger and said, ‘Rock a bye baby.’ That is the most memorable line in the movie. Straight cinematic brilliance. I’m going to call the daycare kids my little uzi clips…”