“What’s up?” Keeva asked.
“Do you remember that property we saw down the street from Rock-A-Bye number one?”
“The commercial building with the two floors?”
“Yes. Remember we talked about it being the perfect location for the school-aged kids in the summer?”
“I remember. It also would be the perfect set-up for classes like dance and martial arts.”
“It came across my desk today. It’s for sale.”
“Shut-up!” she shrieked.
“No, the owner wants to unload it. I think he is moving out of the state or something. It hasn’t hit the market yet.”
“Are you serious?” she questioned.
“Yep, crazy, right? I wanted to know if you wanted to go and see it?”
When Key first talked about opening her daycare center, she also wanted another space to house a summer camp for school-aged kids. We looked at so many properties, but none of them fit the vision she had. Then we went to an event at a building down the street from the daycare center. We toured it, and Key fell in love with it, but it wasn’t for sale at the time.
It felt like it took forever for her to respond, but I was sure it only took seconds.
“Very…Um…Ok. I’m down. I want to see it,” Key responded.
“I will set everything up.”
* * *
After pulling into the building’s parking lot, I waited for Key to arrive. I’d thought about volunteering to pick her up, but I didn’t want to get rejected. Key pulled her car into the parking space next to mine. I felt a little bubble gutish. I should’ve gone to the bathroom before I arrived. I willed the butterflies in my stomach to calm down. She was my wife. This was not a first date. I’d already won her, I just had to remind her why she chose me.
I opened the driver side door for her. I thought I’d calmed my nerves, but the butterflies were back. A breezewaftedthe scent of her perfume towards me. She had a way of mixing her perfumes that made her smell delicious…edible. She stepped out wearing a short, yellow and black sundress that stopped above her knees with a pair of black sandals that showcased her freshly painted toes. She still had on her wedding ring and her promise ring, that was a good thing. I wasn’t sure if she’d taken them off due to everything we’d gone through.
“Hey,” I smiled.
“Hi,” she returned the smile.
“Peggy is the broker that will list the property. She is inside already.”
Keeva looked at the building and smiled, “I can’t believe this is really for sale. We could make this everything we talked about,” Keeva said.
I smiled at her use of the word “we.”
After walking into the building, we found Peggy waiting for us.
“Keeva, this is Peggy. Peggy, this is my wife.”
Peggy looked over her cat-eye shaped frames and smiled at Keeva.
“Hi, Mrs. Abernathy,” Peggy greeted. “The owner has decided to put this building on the market. He built it and has been the only owner. It’s commercially zoned so it would be perfect for many types of businesses. Also the building next door will be a part of the deal. It’s an indoor pool. The owner used it for open swim and swim classes,” Peggy finished.
“A pool?” Keeva asked.
“A couple of pools actually,” Peggy responded.
“Can we see that first?”