“Good morning,” I said after entering the bedroom and finding Keeva awake.

“What are you doing here? Where are my sisters? When did I get into bed?”

“I came over last night after you left a message on my phone.”

“I didn’t call you.”

“Yes, you did. You and your sisters were tore up, so the fellas came and took them home and I stayed just to make sure you were okay.”

“You didn’t have to do that,” she whispered.

“Yes, I did. You’re still my responsibility.”


“Let’s just get you to feeling better. We can talk later, okay?”

“Okay,” she acquiesced.

“Here take this aspirin to help with your headache.”

She took the pills and the glass of water. She threw the pills in her mouth and took a big gulp of water. She placed the glass on the nightstand, then laid back down.

I left the room to find some food in the kitchen to prepare.

“Hello?” I said after answering my cell.

“Kerem? Is everything okay over there?” Samuel asked.

“Yeah, Key is awake. She’s okay. We decided to talk later, so I am going to fix her some bacon to help with the hangover. What about Vee?”

“She's still sleeping. We will see how she is when she wakes up. I was just calling to check on you. We will talk later,” Samuel said.

“Alright, later,” I said and disconnected the call.

After finding some bacon and eggs in the refrigerator, I started preparing breakfast for Keeva. Food and pain meds should help with the massive hangover she was sure to have after the Patterson women party last night.

Keeva’s phone vibrated on the kitchen counter. I had a brief flashback to her and my phone, which started this whole mess. I shook the memory and answered her phone.


“Did I call you?” Averie returned.

“No, I was close to Key’s phone,” I responded.

“Can you give her the phone, please?”

“Yes, but Vee…I’m sorry.”

“Shouldn’t you be apologizing to your wife, not me?”

“No, I should apologize to you too. I know my actions affected more than just me and Key. I messed up, and I promise I am going to try my best to fix this. Thank you for coming when I called and thanks for taking care of Key.”

After last night, I knew I owed the entire family an apology. One wrong decision could lead to so many other bad things happening. It wasn’t fair to anyone to have to go through this.

“Do you really think it’s something that can be fixed, Reem?” Averie asked.

“I love Key. She loves me. I just have to remind her why.”