“Well, I will take mine home,” Samuel said, lifting Averie from the chair.

“Baby!” Averie smiled. “Where we been at?”

“Visiting, baby. We are going home now,” Samuel responded.

“I love our home!” Averie slurred. “You can do that thing I like when we get there?” She tried to wink but closed both eyes instead.

“I’m sure you will be sleep by the time we get there,” Samuel answered. He adjusted her in his arms. “I will have Ray pick her car up in the morning.”

I held the door open and watched him load an already sleep Averie into his car.

“Come on, Ken,” Travis said, shaking a still sleeping Kenzie.

Kenzie slapped his hand away and moved closer to Keeva.

“Ken, come on. I have to get you home,” Travis pleaded.

After several tries, he finally roused her, helped her to her feet and to the car.

I didn’t know how Keeva would respond when she saw me, but I couldn’t leave her there alone. I wanted to make sure she was okay.

“Key, you fell asleep on the couch. Let me help you to the bed.”

She opened her eyes and looked at me like she used to, then reality must have set in, because she twisted her face into a scowl and tried to push me away. She missed, but her intentions were clear.

“Wh…why…wha…what are you doing here,” she slurred.

“You can’t stay here alone, baby. Let me help you.”

“I’on nee…,” she started, but her sentence was cut short by a violent vomit stream shooting out her mouth.

I jumped back to avoid it getting on my shoes. It barely missed me. Stepping over the pile of throw up, I collected Keeva in my arms and carried her to the bathroom. She bent over the toilet and threw up again. I put a cold towel on the back of her neck while she rested on the bathroom floor.

I started the shower then went to get her shower cap before I undressed. I undressed her and helped her into the shower. I washed her up a couple of times, making sure to clean away all the bodily fluids. It was hard to maintain my focus with my naked wife in my arms, but I managed to get through. It had been way too long since I’d held her and made love to her.

“Reem, I’m so sick!” Keeva slurred.

“I know, baby. I’m going to get you into this bed so you can feel better.”

After drying her off, I lotioned her up like I’d seen her do a million times before putting on her bonnet and nightgown and helped her into the bed.


I looked over at Key, but her eyes were closed.

“Yes, baby?”

“Why did you do this to us?”

“I don’t have an excuse, but I promise I am going to make it right, okay?”

“Okay,” she said and rolled over on her side.

I went back into the living room to clean up the vomit and the rest of the mess. After I cleaned up, I got a blanket from the hall closet and laid down on the chaise lounge in our bedroom.

I watched Keeva sleep, wondering how she would react in the morning when she was sober and found me in her space. I wanted to get into our bed with her, but I knew that was pushing my luck. I couldn’t afford to get hit like she did the last time we saw each other.

I pulled the cover over me and fell asleep. The next morning I woke up, got dressed, and went to find some hangover remedies.