“See you on the ground, brother!” Sully said to Teddy as he and Kerem scooted out the door.
“You ready to do this, Keeva?” Teddy asked.
“Yes,” I barely got out.
Teddy scooted us towards the door. He tugged on our connected harness one more time before the final push, and we were out the door. My stomach dropped for the first few seconds, but after that, it was complete bliss. The views were amazing during the free fall. I continued to enjoy the view after Teddy pulled the parachute lever, and we slowly descended to the ground. I thought that maybe the view would be the same as from an airplane, but it was different. Something I would never forget. Pure elation coursed through me as my feet hit the grass.
Teddy quickly disconnected our harness, and I immediately looked around to find Kerem. Finding him behind me, I ran into his arms.
“Kerem! We did it! I peed a little, but I made it. Oh, my gawd!”
“I’m proud of you, Baby!” Kerem exclaimed.
I miss talking to my friend – Kenny
I read the text message from Kenny and honestly didn’t know how to respond. It felt different between us since we kissed. I’d tried to keep in contact with him, but I didn’t know how to move forward, especially since Kerem and I were working on our relationship.
It had been bothering me that Kenny and I had kissed and I hadn’t shared it with Kerem. I was upset with him for having sex with someone else, but I wasn’t all the way faithful either. I wrestled with telling him and not telling him. I rationalized that it was just a kiss. Then I thought if I’d ever found out that Kerem kissed someone and didn’t tell me, I would rip hell open and throw his ass inside. I knew how I felt finding out about his infidelity. There was no way that I wanted this to pop up in general conversation one day.
I replied to Kenny’s text -Things feel different
I take it Kerem is working his magic on you. – Kenny
What does that mean?
It means that he can mess around on you. Mistreat you and you will take him back. I would never hurt you. – Kenny
I dialed Kenny’s number.
“You know it’s true,” Kenny said instead of the traditional hello greeting.
“Kenny, what the hell? He is my husband, and you are my friend, or so I thought. Why would you say something like that?”
“Like I said, it’s true. I’ve stood by your side through all the bullshit you’ve been through with him, but you still would choose him over me?”
“When we were in college, and that mixed girl said that she and Kerem were kicking it, you lost your shit. Who was there to pick up the pieces? Me.”
“Don’t do that, Kenny. You know Kerem and I had taken a break. I was sad, but we weren’t together.”
“You cried like he was still your boyfriend.”
“You are obviously on one today, and I don’t have the energy or time to be on it with you, so I am going to end this conversation.”
“Whatever, Keeva. He’s only going to hurt you again. He never deserved you.”
“Thanks for that vote of confidence, friend.”
I disconnected the call and sat down in disbelief.
Did my friend just speak to me like that? What would make him think that I would leave Kerem and choose him?
I don’t know how long I sat on the living room couch thinking about Kenny. I was sad and confused. What did I do to make all the men in my life go crazy?