I saw Kerem bend down and look me in the eyes.
“Huh?” I shook myself. “What?”
“I’d just had an entire conversation with you and didn’t respond. Where were you?” Kerem asked.
I rubbed my eyes with my fingers.
“Kenny,” I responded.
“Kenyatta? Your long lost friend, huh?” Kerem said.
“Yeah, I ran into him a couple months ago, and we started talking again.”
“You mentioned that. And?” Kerem questioned.
“And we just had an insanely crazy conversation. I’m trying to process it. He said some bullshit that caught me off guard.”
“Like what?”
I knew it was time to tell Kerem even though I really wanted to take the kiss to my grave. It just wouldn’t be fair of me to demand complete honesty from him but not do the same.
“When I went to New York to look for Ken’s dress, I saw him and spent some time with him. I mentioned that, right?”
Kerem nodded.
“Well,” I took a deep breath, “We kissed.”
“On the cheek?” Kerem asked.
“No, on the lips.”
“A peck?”
“No, a full-on kiss.”
Kerem stood from his seat and walked to the window. I stood from my seat and stood behind him.
“So, he said something like you were working your magic on me and he would never hurt me like you did.”
“Pfff,” Kerem made the noise and shook his head.
“He brought up the time we were on a break in college and that one girl said she was with you.”
“We weren’t together, Key. We talked about that,” Kerem defended without turning around.
“I know. I’m not saying anything about it. That’s what he said. I reminded him that we were on a break. Reem, I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you because I don’t want there to be any secrets between us. I don’t want him.”
He kept his back to me and didn’t respond. His silence made me anxious. Although he didn’t have room to be critical of my mistake, in my opinion. I understood how he must have felt.
“Reem, I need to know that we can move past this.”
He leaned on the wall, still not turning around.
“Even if you and I weren’t together, Kenny still wouldn’t be my choice.”
I moved around him and stood between him and the window. He continued to look out the window and didn’t look at me.
“Baby?” I tried to be patient and wait for him to respond but I needed him to say or do something.