After returning home, Kenny and I had a conversation and agreed that we crossed a line. If we wanted to remain, friends, we could never let something like that happen again. We hadn’t talked since that conversation. It bothered me for a minute because he and I had been talking almost every day, but I had to move on and focus on me.
I’d sent Kerem a message to let him know that I was back in town. We spoke briefly, but for some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to tell him that I wanted to try again and he didn’t ask.
After driving past the house where Kerem was staying and seeing his car parked out front, I made it to my house. There was a package waiting on my porch. I grabbed it and took it into the house. I figured it was the new puzzles I’d ordered for the daycare. Passing the counter, I threw the package on it and continued to my bedroom. I took a shower, found some peanut butter and apples to eat, and settled into my bed.
I scanned my DVR to determine which of my shows I was going to start with to catch up. I chose one of the reality tv shows to begin with. It was fun watching someone with more problems than I had. I snacked on the apples and peanut butter but quickly realized that I was for real hungry, not snack hungry.
I got up from the bed and went on a mission to find something else to eat in my kitchen. I found some leftover Chinese food from the day before and decided to pop it into the microwave. While waiting for that to heat up, I found a knife and cut open the package that was on the porch.
After opening the brown box, there was another tan box inside with a brown bow wrapped around it. This definitely was not the puzzles for the daycares.
I opened the second box, tore open the tissue, and found a beautiful Louis Vuitton purse. It was one that was a limited collection that I’d fallen in love with but couldn’t locate it.
“Oh my gawd,” I said while removing the purse from the box. “This is the Louboutin/Vuitton collaboration shopper bag!”
I looked inside the box and found a card.
I hope this is the right one.
You deserve this and so much more.
I love you, Mrs. Abernathy.
Your Husband, Kerem.
I immediately started crying after I’d told myself that crying was over. I’d told Kerem about this purse one time a long time ago, and he remembered.
I sent him a quick text:Thank you. It’s the right one, and it’s beautiful.
Not as beautiful as you. No thanks necessary. I love you. – The Hubs
I have a quick question to ask you. Are you busy? Can I call you? – The Hubs
I missed Kerem like I’d miss air if somehow it was taken from me. I missed our conversations. I missed his warm body next to mine in bed. I missed the way he cared for my body while we made love. I’m glad he’d offered to call me. I didn’t know what he wanted to ask me, but I didn’t care. I really did want to hear his voice.
I’m not busy, you can call.
“Hello,” Key said when she answered the phone.
I missed her usual greeting of ‘Hey Sugar lump,’ or ‘Hey Sexy,’ or whatever nickname she felt like calling me. I responded to them all.
“Hi, Baby.”
“Hi, Kerem. Thank you for the purse. It’s beautiful. I can’t wait to carry it.”
I could tell she was smiling, which made me smile. I missed her so much.
“You deserve it.”
“It’s in pristine condition. Where you did it find it?”
“I put some feelers out for it a while ago,” I responded.
I had a client who owned several luxury consignment shops. I’d asked her about the purse when Key first started looking for it. She recently ran across one, and I purchased it from her. The timing was perfect.