“No, he says Eddie Cane Junior,” Max interjected.

“He’s saying King, but it sounds like Cane. Look it up,” Bird said.

Larenz went to the counter to grab his phone and looked up the information.

“Wow! All these years, I’ve been saying it wrong,” Larenz mused.

“Not unlike other things…” Bird added.

“Anyway,” Gloria interjected. “Much like the misguided Eddie King Junior, you are going to have to find your way back to your wife and help her find her center again. She really is off kilter, so when you try to speak to her, she will be nice one minute and angry the next. It’s part of the process. Be patient with her and maybe in turn, she will be patient with you.”

“Can we pray with you?” Clyde asked.

I wasn’t much for prayer. I didn’t grow up in church, and as an adult, I only went when my presence was requested. Keeva went more than me, but that still wasn’t a whole lot. I did believe in something bigger than myself though, and I wasn’t opposed to anything that was going to help me get through this situation. I just wasn’t sure that prayer really worked.

“Sure,” I answered.

Everyone held hands as Clyde began the prayer.

“Heavenly Father, help us as men to love and honor our wives just as you loved the church and gave your life for her. Help us to be selfless, honorable, honest, and caring. Help us to be the leader of our homes and the compass for our families. Help us to set the standard that generations of men after us will follow. We pray for Kerem and his wife, we know that you are close to the brokenhearted and you rescue those whose spirits are crushed. We ask that you help Kerem feel how close you are to him. Rescue his wife’s crushed spirit. We pray for complete and total healing for Kerem and his Beloved. Let them once again be able to declare that I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine. Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invincible the only wise God we praise you and bless your glorious name, Amen.”

“I would like to challenge you to lead your family into a place of healing and restoration. Keeva is hurting. She can’t help herself right now, it’s up to you. You take a strong lead and she will follow,” Max said.


The dress shopping trip was a success. Kenzie found a beautiful dress after trying on several. My mother and Averie cried a lot. Mom cried because her baby was getting married, and Averie cried because she was having a baby. It was the funniest thing to watch. Apparently, Averie’s pregnancy hormones were working overtime.

She’d found out she was pregnant after our night of drinking. She was a little worried because she was already pregnant when we had our drinking party, but the doctor assured her that everything was okay with the pregnancy.

We were having a ton of fun until my mother decided to turn our pampering trip into a therapy session for me. Between Mom and Vivian, Averie’s mother-in-law, I got an earful about my relationship.

Both women encouraged me to give my relationship another try. I heard them, and I received what they were saying, but I didn’t go to New York to have a counseling session about my marriage. I went to New York to forget about my problems, at least for the weekend.

* * *

Mommy and I stepped outside the hotel and saw Kenny leaning against the railing doing something on his phone.

“Hey,” I said after making my way to him.

“Hi, Kenyatta,” Mommy sang.

“Mrs. Patterson! Hi, you didn’t have to come down here to see me,” Kenny smiled.

They embraced, and Mommy stepped back to examine him.

“Oh yes, I did. It’s been years! How are your mother and your family?” Mommy asked.

“Everyone is well. Mom is dating a man that keeps her on the road, so she enjoys that. Dad is living in God’s waiting room, Florida,” he chuckled.

“You look good, sweetheart. I just wanted to come down and say hello. I will let you two go ahead. It was good seeing you,” Mom said.

“It was good seeing you too, Mrs. Patterson.”

They hugged again then my mom hugged me and whispered in my ear, “Be careful. You’re not healed yet.”

“Huh?” I looked at her. She was trying to say something with her eyes, but I couldn’t figure it out at first. Then it dawned on me.

“Oh, please. I’m ok,” I waved her off.