She was talking about something other than friendship between Kenny and me.
“Okay,” she mumbled as she walked away.
“So, you made it. How did the dress shopping go?” Kenny asked.
“It went well. Ken found a beautiful dress. She is upstairs napping with Averie. Apparently, dress shopping wore her out and Averie is just pregnant and tired. They would’ve come down to see you if they were awake.”
“That’s cool. I will see them next time. Come on, we are going to ride the subway back to my place.”
“The subway? Is it safe?”
“Of course it is,” Kenny chuckled. “Besides, you are with me. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
We walked to the end of the block and then down some steps into the subway station. I’d been to New York a couple of times, but had never dared to ride the subway. I’d seen too many movies about people getting attacked on them to try them out.
Kenny swiped a card at the turnstile and told me to go through. I pushed through and waited for him on the other side. He swiped the card again and pushed through to the other side.
He took my hand and led me close to the end of the long platform.
“The train should be coming in a few minutes,” he said.
I examined the area around me. It was void of all the graffiti and rats that I thought I would find. It wasn’t clean, but it definitely wasn’t as horrible as I’d imagined.
The train came barreling into the station. Kenny pulled me to the side just as the doors opened to allow the passengers to get off the train. He led me on to the train and we found a seat just big enough for two people.
“We will only be on here for a couple of stops,” Kenny informed me.
“Okay,” I said still looking around.
The train stopped a couple of times before Kenny said, “Our stop is next.”
I nodded.
The train came to a stop and the doors opened we walked off the train, through another turnstile and up the steps to the street above.
“You survived, Kiki!” Kenny cheered. “It wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“No, it wasn’t bad at all,” I confirmed.
“Good. My place is right down the street.”
He held on to my hand and escorted me down a few blocks to a tall brick apartment building.
“Charles,” he said to the man who held the door open for us.
“Good evening, Mr. Ellis and Miss,” Charles said.
“Hi,” I waved and smiled as we continued through the door.
We rode up to the twenty-second floor and exited the elevator. His apartment was right across from the elevator.
He opened the door and let me enter first. His apartment was decorated in various hues of blue and white, lots of straight lines and wood. It was very masculine and classy.
“Your apartment is nice, Kenny,” I commented as I looked around.
“Thank you. It’s close to my job, so I don’t have to drive unless I am leaving the city. Have a seat.”
He left the room and returned with two glasses and a bottle of wine. He opened the wine and filled both glasses. After passing one of them to me, he said, “This should be a little better than the crap we drank in college.”